Saturday, March 20, 2010

Parker Korean Restaurant, 209 Upper Thomson Road

My friends started this restaurant. Please give them your support.


  1. they were operating in the long house weren't they?

  2. That's right. They now move to a restaurant.

  3. Must support. Korean cuisine is yummy.

  4. Wish that Mr. Tan would not make it
    a norm to advertise for friends'
    business in this blog,and stick to
    articles that are beneficial to the
    public at large.

  5. Mr Tan, may be you can indirectly say the food is nice and the price is reasonable at this restaurant?

  6. The food is okay (not great) but the price is reasonable.

  7. Anon March 15 11:37AM - No harm done to introduce friend's stall, so long it is done honestly. Ultimately, you have to decide whether to patronize or not.

  8. Hi, I've patronized the restaurant twice and am disappointed to see the business so quiet despite quite yummy food. Perhaps you can feedback to your friend that they should state that for dishes like the yuk gae jang, the price includes the pearl rice and free flow tea and an assortment of 5 Korean appetisers. I would agree that for the portion and standard, it is quite value for money. P.s: one serving of the main yuk gae jang could be shared between two people, just order an extra servin of rice.

  9. i want try lunch they.have staff name tini and from manila.she good services at they and new worker
