Sunday, March 07, 2010

Petition - Employ Singaporeans First

Dear Friends,
Do support my petition to "Employ Singaporeans First" -
Due to the recent high influx of foreigners, many of our own  people are been sidelined  by employers. Many new graduates are also  jobless now as they have to compete with  thousands of foreigners for jobs.
Our people are also not protected by any minimum wage policy here and their salaries have being pressed down by cheaper foreigner imports. Employers are kings now as they have a host of choices now whenever they advertise for positions. Many who apply  for jobs are foreigners.
This petition urges all employers in Singapore to consider employing Singaporeans FIRST despite the slightly higher cost and their older age. If not, we will see ourselves being over-run by foreigners in time to come.
If you support this cause, do sign on the peition so that we can rally together and bring hope to those who are jobless and struggling. Do also spread this cause to your friends for active participation! We need to send the right message out to our government!
Singapore for Singaporeans!
Gilbert Goh


  1. Employers employing foreigners?
    Most of the employers are foreigners themselves. So Singaporeans are aliens to these employers.

  2. Hi Gilbert Goh,

    Your idea is good. Before I sign, I would like to know to whom are you planning to send the signed petition to? Is it to S'pore Employers Federation, NTUC, MOM or .....?

  3. Mr. Tan,

    What do you think of such calling? Isn't protectiosim bad for global trade?

  4. Protectionism has been strung up time and time again as the bad boy of global economics, usually by those who benefit most from global trade.

    Protectionism will always be a key feature in any civilised society which recognises that there are those who need to be protected - the weak, the old, the down-trodden. However, in the eyes of a capitalist, these are but liabilities / risks to be eliminated or divested to the individual.

    The key here is arriving at a balance, something that is lost when remuneration is tied solely to GDP.

    "To be human means to care for each other. And Civilisation means to work together to create a better life for each other. The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment that we lose our humanity."

  5. REX comments as follows,

    Like Vs Lingam above, i also wonder to whom would the proposed petition might be addressed to, S'pore Employers Federation, NTUC, MOM etc?

    In my opinion, if you welcome a person to your house you cannot discriminate against him. If you adopt children, you must treat them like your child fairly, else don't adopt.

    Now the problem is that the government had already committed grave sin in that it allowed too many PRs and foreigners to work here... but once they come in, we cannot discriminate and ask the Employers not to employ them. Therefore, the root cause is to implore the government to stop granting employment passes and start immediately repatriating all those whose work pass expires.

    For as long as work passes continue to be issued by the higher entity of the Government, it is not appropriate to discriminate against anybody. someone suggested that Protectionism principle is inappropriate and it is not entirely wrong in my view.

    In summary, it was wrong for the floodgates to be opend and we have to stop the problem at source.

    Downstream solutions, will backfire simply because we are all employers at one time or other (e.g. would you hire a srilanka maid or a local one if you are cash-strapped). You can't stop an employer from saving costs if he finds a cheaper and competent foreigner around. It is a balance between noble ambitions of nation building and survivability of a business, so of what use is a petition?


  6. It is not so much what use is a petition than what harm is there without it.
    If there is no noise at all, then the ruling elite will conclude that heavenly and earthly mandate are solidly behind them and they will sleep well after counting their millions.

  7. Would Singaporean fresh graduate willing to work 6 days a week?

    Would Singaporean fresh graduate willing to work in areas like Tuas?

    Would Singaporean fresh graduate willing to work shift?

    Would Singaporean fresh graduate be willing to work under the sun?

    Before we point our fingers on foreign workers, how about adjusting our attitude first?

  8. To adopt protectionism spells disaster for Singapore. We are a small economy. The only way out for Singaporeans is to train ourselves to have the attitude of 'when the going gets tough, the tough gets going'. Nothing is free in this world.

  9. "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going"

    Yes, Singaporeans should learn from the more hard striving and hard driving PRCs and India indians. Mass protests of 10,000 and up so that police and even army will not be able to control. Take over factories and company buildings whenever salary increment not high enough -- lockup the CEO and CFO and use them as punching bags until they agree to terms. Mass blockades of manpower ministry to enforce workers rights. Scream and cry to get free bus rides. Lie down on the floor in public and yell and cry to get places in schools for your children.

    Yeah, we singaporeans cannot hold a candle to these foreigners. We have been castrated by PAP and transformed into daft sheep. LKY should stick a spur into our assholes, otherwise we will all just lie down and die.
