Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Posting comments in my blog

When you post a comment, please sign off with your real name. You can continue to be anonymous, if you have a reason to do so, e.g. afraid of being penalized unfairly. By giving your name, you can strengthen the credibility of your statement, and show that you are willing to stand by it and are not malicious.

Some people criticized this blog for being not objective but are not prepared to give their real name. If they feel this way, there is no need for them to visit this blog. It is meant for other people who find the blog to be educational, fair and useful.


  1. agree strongly

  2. To Anonymous of 9:22AM, nice one. You agree strongly but yet posted anonymously. Good example.

  3. Sama sama lah, Mr Anon of 7:37 PM. I guess many are still not comfortable putting their name, although the content of the post may be genuine and sincere. It's uniquely Singapore lah or just My Singapore, lah ! Good morning !

  4. Do you expect ntuc agents to sign off with their real name?
    From time to time they come here to take potshot at Mr. Tan instead of rebutting. They should challenge the views and not make personal attack.
    Well, the truth hurts.
