Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Postings on Land banking

For investors who are caught in land banking investments or have been approached, you can read my postings on this topic by clicking on the label "Land Banking" on the right.



    Green Belt housing scheme promoted by footballers leaves investors in the red

  2. Hi Mr Tan,

    Did a particular landbanking company, threathen you for highligthing the negative aspects of the landbanking?

    If so then they should response by countering, by stating their case on your site... instead of threathening you!

  3. It really disgusts me that our financial regulatory body, CASE and other regulating bodies are unable or do not wish to act for the good faith of the citizens when all is so blatantly out there...

  4. I am soooo shocked after reading Hardwarezone... how much problems there is regarding this landbanking issue... AND yet CAD and the Goverment IS NOT TRYING to do something.... there is a serious issue with this bussiness!

    I am so sad for the those FUTURE clients of this "product", sure to loose their "investment".... :(

  5. Mr Wang Say So brought up a very good and relevant point which clearly shows the lack of enforcement by our regulatory body.

    Quote ..
    "Nevertheless, the incongruity is undeniable.

    You can't sell a $5,000 unit trust investment to an uneducated grandmother in Singapore, unless you hold the necessary licence and comply with all the MAS rules and regulations. The licence, and the rules and regulations, are to help safeguard the grandmother's interests.

    But you can sell the same grandmother a $5,000 parcel of land, situated in a country far, far away, under a complex collective land ownership scheme. You don't need any licence. Nor does the Singapore government seem to know or care whether the land really exists; or what you tell or do not tell the grandmother; or what documents you ask her to sign.

    Some potential for a disaster there. Right? "

  6. They tell me buy Minibonds, I tell them buy Morris Mini!
    They tell me buy Unit Trust, I tell them In God I Trust!
    They tell me buy Gold, I tell them, I dig for gold!
    They tell to buy Landbanking, I tell them to BangShangalang Bang Bang!

  7. I attended a presentation on land banking before. The whole session seemed to be staged. The audience appeared to be very excited and jumped into deep engagement with the sales agent immediately after the presentation. Almost all of them except me! There should be legislation and spot checks to apprehend such unethical sales tactics.
