Saturday, March 20, 2010

Red light area gets out of line

Crime is now getting out of hand at the red light area in Singapore  Read this article by Seah Cheang Nee.


  1. Please ask Wong Kan Seng to do his work so as to earn his millions.

    When a terrorist escape, you don't just sack people but must take responsibility as they are under your watch.

  2. Some insurance agents also solicit for business there.

  3. Do we have enough police manpower at ground level to deal with crime?

    I have a feeling most Singaporeans do not like to work in certain type of jobs, like nursing, cleaning or maybe even in police and related services.

    And unlike nursing or cleaning, we cannot simply get foreign talents to do the ground level police work. And most of our NSF are conscripted for the SAF.

    So it may be a problem to worry for the future on the Home front, given the way the population is rapidly increased.

  4. Many unemployed Singaporeans will be happy to be policeman to earn a good income, and have high respect in the community.

    We only need to convince the Government to employ more policemen. If we have a bigger population, we need more policemen (i.e. to maintain a ratio to population).

    If the budget is too high, we should pay less to the ministers and top civil servants and use the budget to get more people working on the ground.

  5. I have just lodged a police report this morning against vedalism by teen gangster in Woodland.

    These culprits are NOT PR or foreigner. I do not know the cause of such social problem.

    Big or small crime, lodge an on-line police report.

    If not, your communisty is beseige by "secret society" again like

  6. 10 years ago, I feel very safe in Woodlands.

    Now, my family member do NOT feel safe.

    Can reader from other new town share more of crime and security issue in this blog. Thanks.

  7. In the future when the economy goes down, Sentosa might also follow the fate of geylang. However, the crime there might be more organized and "high class".

    Money laundering by criminal organizations from neighboring countries are likely to spike and these big spenders are likely to be given the VIP treatment away from prying eyes. High class prostitution will also soar.
    The police are unlikely to conduct too many raids unless the situation become too obvious because it will damage the image of the money-spinning place and scare away tourists.In time, the two IR might become too indispensable to the GDP growth that sacrificial of some social order might seem justified to the government. Whether the IR can remain clean or become a haven of crime depends a lot on the IR management and what law enforcement the police enacted.

    I sincerely hope that Sentosa or Marina can remain a family friendly place but i have my doubts due to tendency of he police to wait for further instructions from up there.

  8. Complacency in the government and civil service is the root cause. Nowadays, if one encountered criminal problems, the police or authorities will ask you to engage your own lawyers. Simply BO CHAP is the trend. I agree with Mr Tan, cut the ministers and top civil servants pay and hire more police.

    Recently I encountered a road bully and make a police report. The police tell me, find your own lawyer to sue that bully under civil suit ??? Isn't the police supposed to protect the citizens ?? This kind of attitude will mean majority of the citizens will be at losing ends because we cannot afford the legal fee. So I really don't know why those fallas on top deserve so high salary for washing hands? Only they can afford to hire lawyers; not the man on the street !

  9. There was another big gang fight in Geylang yesterday.

    The rumour is that there is a turf war going on. This is fueled largely due to changes in the legal brothels in Geylang. The girls from Malaysia have been phased out. They have been replaced by girls from China who have recently been given the necessary permits by AV to work in Singapore. This revamp of GEylang has probably opened the door for the Chinese Triads who are providng the girls for this trade.

  10. Have you seen female insurance agents peddling their wares in this area? They have the full backing and protection from these bodyguards, do you know?
    You will be shocked to know the company these agents represent.

  11. The govt & police wants to confine crimes in Geylang. However, if you do not put a stop to it, sooner or later it will spread to other neighbourhoods.

  12. REX comments as follows,

    These events are entirely predictable. When you increase the social structure awkwardly to 36% foreigners, without proper screening of the incoming population, you will bring in more crime. So will the two casino's they attract crime!!

    Advanced planning for increased police force, new police stations, etc was not done by the highly paid civil service. Instead they chose the soft approach to spruce up gambling control authority etc. but what is needed is really the bare-hands police force manual solution not "Regulators" high level solution which hardly work in this kind of scenario. Where are the police? Short handed of course because not enough budget allocation, which went somewhere else (you know where).

    I would predict the next big problem is medical service for the masses. Advanced planning for increased demand of medical attention for a swelling population, is probably also neglected by the planners.

    The only planning they are good at is the Casino and the ION and the USS which were completed in record time, i am impressed.

    I am very worried for the infrastructure collapse of everything in the near future.
    What can we do with such gross negligence of the governement other than throw them out, i wonder?

