Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Singapore's Big Bet is about to Pay Off

Here is an optimistic report about the impact of the two integrated resort on tourism and economic growth for Singapore.


  1. everyone thinks we are the next macau ... does having an ir really increase overall individual wealth, productivity and quality of life ? On paper it does ... however it does not factor in social costs and hih eceonomic rents that everyone will eventually have to pay.

    We made it not because we export true goods and services that enrich others' lives. We actually export lust and greeds.

  2. When Singapore achieved something good, sure got a handful of people complain and grumble. I wonder if this the nature of Singapore people? When someone miss the boat, he/she will complain lousy, sure fail, etc. When can people learn to be gracious?

  3. The increased visitors are likely to be an initial response to a novelty.

    It is difficult to predict if 5 years down the road when more casinos in other neighboring regions are built and when the economic conditions in Europe, America and China become worse will this projected increase in visitors be realized.

  4. Singaporeans have been gracious long enough for putting up with a political mafia who privatise all profits but pass the costs to Singaporeans.

  5. Sure hope these two new casinos make up for some of the losses suffered by our two older casinos in 2008 and 2009.
