Monday, March 08, 2010

Sleeping in Parliament

Read this blog.


  1. You now know ministers sleep on the job.No wonder they cannot hear your petitions, your grouses and your woes.

  2. Enjoy the spectacle while you can.

    The camera man and editor had better look for better employment opportunities.

    I don't think we are going to get this type of TV Bloopers again.

  3. Both DPM are bored with each other. They knew what each wanted to talk so one better snooze off than being embarrassed.

  4. He was not sleeping but just closing his eyes reviewing important strategies to improve on once tried policy.

    He was not sleeping but enjoying this moment of "You arrow me, I arrow my PSC scholars! So easy to earn $250,000 a month."

    He was not sleeping by resting due to the medication he took before the session.

    He was not sleeping by closing his eyes and doing some exit planning. Productivity improvement crap sure fail but must earn more millions before quitting. Go to Bermuda and enjoy the beach and sunshine with family.

  5. Parliamentary sittings are just a process to be carried out.

    A symptom of Democracy.

    All debates are purely to serve that very purpose.The will and the Bills are already signed and sealed.
    So, just take a short snooze.. after all they know what each other is going to say anyway..

    This is productivity.

  6. When we are caught in this situation we are known as lazy but not them as they are busy thinking.

  7. Hi all,

    Not only that DPM and MPs are sleeping during the recent parliament
    meetings, I notoiced that 50% of the seats are empty most of the time. About 50% of the MP are absent, including LKY & PM Lee. This is really amazing!
    Is this unique in Singapore or common worldwide?

    John Lee

  8. Other possibilities include;

    He was not sleeping. He was checking to see what the insides of his eyelids looked like.

    He was not sleeping. He was practising his "action movements" to accompany the next minister's speech about a blind frog.

    He was not sleeping. He was having a vision about a more productive Singapore.

  9. Hi all. Believe it or not. It may be really true that the ministers were not sleeping.

    I know of at least 1 top-level person who closes his eyes during forums and meetings. I was told that he does this to concentrate and analyze the dialouge.

    I believe it because it is quite impossible for this person to always doze through meetings, but still do his important job well.

    The more I read about the "not-well-thought-through" and irresponsible comments from certain individuals, the more I believe we should put the most intelligent ppl at the top. But whether the top ppl need to change their attitude or not, I'm not sure.

  10. I agree with Mr. Tan Kin Lian that we may need to "share and divide our resources more equally" among another.

    Seriously, we may need to find a way to influence the top and intelligence ppl's attitude for the better.

    But changing the cabinet wholesale is a "no-no". Can you imagine reversing the roles of managers and workers in a company?

  11. Actually not everyone is the same. There are deaf frogs and there are sleeping frogs. Those who worked part-time means half the time you cannot get them. Those who work full-time are even worst as they are not in Sgp and out on business trip like China.

    When you happen to meet them, they may be sleeping or deaf thus your reason of meeting is wasted. Worst are those who smile and nod their heads in agreement with everything you said but did nothing after you left.

    Not corrupted and also cannot help. These are the talents found and rewarded highly with tax-payers money....

  12. He is sleeping for your (Singaporeans) own good, and Singaporeans should be thankful for it.

  13. I'm not surprise. My PAP MP was nodding asleep when I was pouring out my problem to her at the People Meeting Session.

    I must be very boring....then don't expect me to vote for PAP.

  14. I heard this urban legend from someone who was a staff in Parliament House. Parliament public gallery was built without the glass panel at first. Later then a glass panel was putup, ostensibly for security. But the real reason seems to be that some public chuckling that they could not only see MPs sleeping, but could hear MPs snoring as well.

  15. REX comments as follows,

    yes, anon.6.54 Mar 8, is correct, the minsiters sleep "for our own good".

    better for people like Lim Swee Say to sleep in Parliament, than for him to be awake and spew nonsense embarassing everybody.

    His delivery, as well as content thereof, makes me ashamed of being a Singaporean. I get very worried everytime he opens his mouth.

