Monday, March 01, 2010

Traffic after the Lunar New Year holidays

On the first few days after the Lunar New Year, the \re was reduced traffic on the roads as most workplaces were still closed. It was wonderful to drive along the roads, without the excessive congestion. How nice life would have been in Singapore, without the crowds and congestions. It was also easy to find a parking space.

Can Singapore afford to have the same roads and parking spaces, if it has a smaller population? The answer is "yes". There are many suburbs around big cities where there are ample roads and parking spaces. It is possible for a community to afford a higher ratio of roads and parking spaces and still be viable.

Businesses in Singapore are allowed to squeeze customers for the last ounce of profits. They pursue profit maximization without regard to other factors, such as the quality of service. This is the reason for the high cost of living and the poor quality of life in Singapore. This is why the MRT trains are crowded and fully packed, even late at night.

We need better regulation to ensure that businesses provide a standard of service that provides comfort and a better quality of life of the customers. They can still be allowed to make a reasonable profit after meeting these standards.

By allowing many foreigners to live and work in Singapore without expanding our public infrastructure and  facilities, the Government is also pursuing a similar goal of using our resources to the limit, and creating a poorer quality of life for the people. This type of bad policy should be avoided.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. REX comments as follows,

    I agree that for a small country like Singapore, with not even enough water, we should never have increased the population so much in the last few years. The old Maltusian theory and warnings of the dangers of overpopulation should have been observed, instead of blindly increasing the policy for short term GDP gains unsustainable in the middle to long term.

    Even if jacking up Singpaore population to 5 million is correct policy, it is ridiculous that the ordinary citizen, the academics, the politicians, are not given any chance to debate the policy prior to implentation. We are the sons of Singapore, why should we let one old man decide all our fate and that of our future generations?

    Since we can't cry over spilt milk, what should we do?
    How do we reverse an un-populate singapore back to about 3 million? What kind of positive actions can be done, I wonder.


  2. The government is already doing its part by constructing Downtown Line, Circle Line etc.

    Look at the mess created due to these constructions.

  3. Do nothing.

    Save as much as you can and prepare to evacuate. Singapore is not a country in the true definition.

    It is designed for elites and our citizens are schooled to provide them with service. The earnings are then funneled to the Gov pockets.

    Prepare to evacuate

  4. The public transport companies should never have been listed.

    The lower income citizents have no option but to take public transport. Why should they be paying for ever increasing cost of public transport so that transport companies can generate profits to award the richer shareholders and boards/executives?

    There should be a central governing body to plan and regulate the transport system/route so to leverage/synergise on the differnt type of public transport and reduce cost. This will make public transport better and cheaper to use and even encourage more people to not drive.
