Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Work near your home

There are many advantages of working near your home. You reduce the travelling cost, which can be quite expensive. You reduce the travelling time and have more time to spend with your family and neighbors and have a community life.

We have to changes our recruitment practices to make this possible. We should make it easier for people to search for a job near their homes. Advertisements for jobs should state their location of their workplaces. HR managers should give preference to people who live near the place of work. It is an advantage to the business as well, as these workers are likely to stay longer with the employer.

For most jobs, it should be possible to find a suitable candidate who lives near the place of work. We only need to improve our ability to search for these workers, or for the workers to search for these jobs.

Businesses should also be encouraged to set up their workplaces near the residential estates. This will allow them to tap into a pool of suitable workers in that estate.

Reducing commuting and traffic congestion will also promote a green environment.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. I live and work in the west. My boss wants to post me to work in the east. I have no choice but to accept because I need the salary.

  2. i offer an alternative view. singapore is a very small space. thus, it really does not matter where the workplace is. However, it is right that it takes a long time to reach. my view is that the problem is in the transportation. Roads are jammed and public transports are expensive, packed and uncomfortable.

    These 2 problems need to be solved.

    just my 2 cts.

  3. Of course working near your workplace is an ideal situation. However the ideal situation is sometimes not achievable.

  4. How about working from home?
    This will save time and money on transport. :)

  5. I moved to a new place so that my son can get to school within 15 minutes. I work only about 8 hours a day; he studies about 16 hours everyday!
