Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Be an Interim Manager

A friend told me that he has registered to be available to work as an interim manager for a company that needs someone to work for the short term, while they look for a permanent manager. You can download this brochure and contact this company if you are keen to join their pool of interim managers to work in your area of expertise.


  1. Banking, finance and market place are amongst some of the very complex category of services. Software making process with maintaining the integrity at each level can make the things easy to deal for us.

  2. It is not easy to get an engagement. It is almost the same as trying to get a job so unless you truely only wanted to work occasionally, it is better to look for a job as the process is the same.

  3. A company needs an interim manager to take over a position that is vacated suddenly. They are not fussy about the person who is enmployed, provided that this person has the relevant experience.

    As the company is in an urgent need, they will pay a higher salary. The job may be difficult and challenging, so it is suitable for someone who is willing to take the challenge.

    If there is a good fit, the candidate may have the chance to get a permanent job.

    Some of these jobs are located overseas, so you have to be prepared to work outside Signapore.

  4. Beware of some companies that use the excuse of interim managers to avoid paying staff benefits and other costs involved with a permanent employee. In HR circles, there is a disquiet that interim management is a predatory move coined by some less than honest recruiters.

  5. It is easy to get an engagement as an interim manager, especially in a field where you have the experience and the knowledge.

    The challenge is whether you find the working conditions to be acceptable. The opportunity will usually come from a country that is in a internal mess, which is why the previous manager had left. It could also be based in an overseas location.

    Many retrenched managers may be used to working in Singapore, under stable conditions, and are not prepared to take up such opportunities. For those who are willing to take the challenge, the opportunity should be better.

    Be ready to re-invent yourself.

  6. Kin Lian,
    This type of set up kept many resumes. In fact they are also the headhunter so the process of getting selected is the same like looking for a job. If one is really keen to work occasionally, it is fine. Otherwise, it is better to look for a job. It is not an issue of reinventing but based on what is one's plan.

  7. Reply to 1:26 PM

    It is extremely rude of you to call me by my personal name while you remain anonymous.

  8. To: Anon 1:26pm

    Mr. Tan Kin Lian has a point.

    It is rude to call him by his personal name while remaining anonymous.

    You could have done this:

    Just type:
    "This type of set up kept many resumes. In fact they are also the headhunter so the process of getting selected is the same like looking for a job. If one is really keen to work occasionally, it is fine. Otherwise, it is better to look for a job. It is not an issue of reinventing but based on what is one's plan."

    Everyone would know you are referring the topic.

    Or you can go apply a gmail blogger account like me and post a statement.

  9. Kin LIan,
    I did not know it offended you and that you like to be addressed as Mr.Tan only. My apologies.


  10. There's a reason why ppl remain anonymous, when we all know that the state's 'internal security' apparatus is watching this blog. Not saying people are scared, but who likes to be watched - it is a privacy issue.
