Friday, April 16, 2010

Dental health

I brush my teeth daily in the conventional way, using an ordinary tooth-brush. For the past few years, I have been visiting my dentist regularly to look at some dental problem. The dentist recommended that I should also use an inter dental brush (like a small christmas tree). This is an alternative to flossing the teeth, which has been quite troublesome.

Recently, I changed my brushing habit. Apart from using the ordinary brush, I spent a minute to use the interdental brush to remove the food particles between the teeth. It was quite easy and is likely to be quite useful.

Like to share your experience on dental health?

Here is a picture of an interdental (christmas tree) brush.


  1. I used the interdental brush when I was wearing braces few years ago. After my braces were removed, I had stop using it since my teeth are straight now & easier to brush.

  2. I started visiting the dentist for regular checkup every 6 months about 10 years ago. In the past 2 years, I visit the dentist once every 9 months as I find that 6 monthly visit is too short a time frame for me. In addition, also to cut cost as for a normal cleaning and polishing now cost around $80 (private dentist).

    I also started flossing my teeth before retiring to bed for the past 5 years. Initially, it was difficult to do it everyday as I tend to get lazy. However, overtime I realise that if I floss regularly I will have an easier time during the regular checkup as my dentist has cleaning and polishing to do. When I floss less regularly my dentist will take longer time to clean and polish my teeth.

    Just like brushing your teeth first thing in the morning if you don't do it you will think that something is not right. I believe good dental health can cultivated and in time to come it will become a habit.


  3. I face the same problem too.In addition to tooth brush,I started to use dental floss many years ago but problem still persist from time to time.Apart from the above, I started to use interdental brush and the small head battery operated tooth brush to reach the back of molar.Cost of dental care is escalating.It cost S$120 to extract a normal wisdom tooth but RM45 in a town in Malaysia.

  4. Never heard of an interdental brush that looks like a christmas tree. Are they sold here.
    Must ask my dentist next appointment.

  5. About dental health...I startd something new on my own oral health...using the tongue bacteria mental remover. It's shaped like a inward bend mental piece to clean the tongue. I must say's it's like what advertised 5X better than cleaning our teeth. It leaves th e mouth and throat less prone to bacteria infection which may lead to prolong coughing and oral health problem. For those who have no habit of cleaning your tongue, buy one from Guardian or Watson and try it!!

  6. I am puzzled how someone can use dental floss on the spaces between the molars and premolars.
    The front teeths could be flossed reasonable well, but for those teeth at the extreme ends of the jaw, how to insert the floss?

  7. To Anonymous @ 10:22pm,

    It can be done. I have been doing it for the past 5 years and still doing it.

    Here is the link on flossing technique:


  8. Do you have beloved ones suffering from cancer?

    There's natural treatment available for cancer

    Checkout my blog post below:

  9. I'd suggest that everybody should at least try using an electric toothbrush. Get a good one (rechargeable) rather than the battery operated ones.

    I was a die-hard skeptic until my wife bought one for herself and insisted that I give it a try.

    Trust me, the difference is night and day.

    As for the inter dental brush, I'll certainly give it a try. I find it virtually impossible to floss.

  10. Dental health knowledge is quite lacking here compared to Western country. I am also a late starter. If I knew the importance of dental floss or interdental brush 35 years earlier, my teeth/gum will not cost so much to maintain now.

    Dental floss is much more effective than brushing in term of oral hygiene. The amount of food debris left inside your mouth overnight can be plentiful if you only use tooth brush 2 times a day. Dental floss can effectively remove most of this harmful debris in our mouth to cut down decay and mouth odour problem.

    By visiting your dentist twice a year, you can pretty sure your teeth polished and cleaned on top of normal brushing. Don't forget gum health which is the most critcal to overall oral health.


  11. Be careful to those who goes for their dental check-up regularly.
    Polishing your teeth too frequently can cause enamel thinning.This is the outer layer protection of the tooth. Especially for the elderly whose enamal built up is slowing down. Thin enamal will cause increase tooth sensitivity.

  12. Enamel is one of the toughest parts of our human body but it does not mean that it can't be worn down. I have thin enamel due to teeth griding at sleep when young which adds cost of maintenance. With inadequate cover of enamel, you will be sensitive to cold and hot food, and lose the interest in eating in later stage.

    Polishing and scaling by qualified dentist will not damage enamel unless people opt for chemical whitening or physical polishing. These treatments are enamel damaging, popular only for asethetic purpose but not oral health.


  13. I want to get an electric toothbrush. What brand, model to get? And price?

  14. A rechargable Braun at $35 is a good start but be prepared for replacing brush head reqularly. It is important.


  15. Cleaning at a dentist is usually $80 and up...right now, my dentist is having a special deal, to encourage people to take better care of their teeth.

    They have a scaling and polishing package at only $200 for 4 sessions, transferable and valid for one year.

    You can call and check, it's a fabulous deal, and they are very gentle. My friend with black tar stains got all his tobacco stains removed in one session, he was very happy!

    We even took a video of the whole process.

    Tooth Angels
    The Central #b1-01
    (Clarke Quay MRT, Exit F )
    Tel: 62226220

    I tried the interdental brush too, but wasn't very good at controlling it, so I kinda made my gums bleed :( Sticking to flossing and regular cleaning at Tooth Angels, my dentist!

  16. From a strict disciplinarian to a loving and caring mother. This is the story of my mum.When I was young, I was extremely playful. I was a rascal. When I was in Kindergarten, she had to drag me to school. Fetch me to-and-fro from school, carrying my bag. Thats all I can remember from that period.When I was in primary school, my mum started beating me. I was throwing tantrums, showing attitudes. She had to force me to study on the dining table. I could remember always pretending to be sleepy and put my head on the table to pretend. In short, I was the total opposite of me now. And of course I cried after every beating. Each time the cane/belt came down, I bet she felt the pain too.incidents I clearly remembered. When I was around primary 3/4. I fell down on my two front teeth. Bled a lot. I was crying. She hugged me and told me it's ok. This I clearly remembered. My 2 bucked front teeth is a reminder of this.Next my primary 5 English results. It was my first time failing a paper in primary school. I was devastated. I was afraid to tell my mum. And when she finally knew it, all hell broke loose. Then I was sick, coughing very badly. She took me to the doctor.I was also a very sick boy when I was young. I had asthma. She administered lots medicine onto me, taught me how to swim. She sent me for swimming courses with my cousin to solve my asthma. And look at me now.
