Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Make a date with FISCA on 8 May 2010

Make a date with FiSCA on 8 May 2010 from 3pm to 6pm. Talk on "Financial Planning - A Practical Guide"

Note this down in your diary. Put it in your calendar. Register now! It's free to all FiSCA members. Also, a free copy of the Practical Guide on Financial Planning book will be given out to all members who attend the talk.

The public is welcome to join in as well. Public participation fee is $30. For this event only, the public who attends the talk will also get a copy of the Practical Guide on Financial Planning book worth $12.


  1. Hi Mr Tan
    For the non members (public), how do we register? I can't find any information on the FISCA site regarding this.

  2. there is a link for you to be a member.

    if it is just to attend the talk, just register your name and indicate that you are a non-member.

  3. may i know what will the talk cover?

  4. Details of the talk can be found here.
