Thursday, April 15, 2010

Polite drivers

Recently, I found a few instances of polite drivers on the roads in Singapore. On two occasions, I had to change lane at the last minute, due to unfamiliarity with the road. The cars behind slowed down to let me pass. They did not sound the horn.

On another occasion, I was waiting to make a left turn. I was temporarily distracted and waited much longer than needed. The car behind waited for one minute before sounding the horn softly to remind me. It was quite nice of the driver.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Well, this is certainly a nice read.

    I've encountered such instances myself.

    I try, where safety permits, to roll down my side window to give a thank you wave to the driver who just gave way to me.

    In my humble view, this is an example of what "Standing Up for Singapore" truly means. Being nice and supportive of your fellow Singaporeans.

    What ticks me off are fancy, expensive songs and slogans that are not backed up by action (no matter how minor). I was not affected, but still feel a deep sense of outrage over the entire mini-bond fiasco and how my fellow citizens were treated.

  2. To Anon, 12.35

    Just to tell you my MP did not even has the courtesy to contact and reply to my request for help
    regardings the mini-bond, as if I did not see him at all. Some form of consolation would have soothed my anger. I would never step into any PAP meet the people's office again. So rude.
    Most drivers are very impatient in Singapore, but a minority are pleasant and do give way, I suppose it depends whether they are in a hurry to reach their destination.

  3. they must be FT

  4. Whenever I need to cross a road that is without zebra crossing or traffic lights, I tend to notice foreign drivers giving way to me to walk while I have to give way to local drivers for them to drive through first. Singaporean drivers uses their cars like a weapon so people will let them pass first. It is similar to those parents who pushes their baby pram in a way that people will give way to them. Very inconsiderate.
