Are you interested to do part time work at Tampines St 92 and petrol stations in Serangoon North and Mandai to promote a new taxi calling service? You have to distribute leaflets to taxi drivers and explain the service to them. This is suitable for older people in their 40s or for students during the holidays. The pay will be based on hourly rate and will be for 4 hours a day or longer. If you are interested, you can call Song Kwang (mobile: 97110423) or send an e-mail to
NOTE: If you know of someone interested in this part time work, please tell them about it. Pass the word around.
Thanks Mr Tan for your information. There are some people affected by the economic crisis still without a job, your info will be good news to them.
ReplyDeleteThis Straits Times article reports that RM should take a national exam inorder to gauage their adequacy in serving clients. My suggestion is that anyone giving financial advice should go through CPA & CFA exams to be fair.
The New York Times:
ReplyDeleteRecession Adds to Appeal of Short-Term Jobs