Friday, April 23, 2010

TKL Intelligence Quiz (7 houses)

I sold over 1,800 copies of volume 2 of the TKL Intelligence Quiz. There are a few copies left as my print run was only 2,000 copies. I was surprised at its popularity.

Vol 3 is now available for sale in the major bookstores and can also be purchased online for $7.90.

One fan asked me to produce more puzzles, entirely at difficult levels. I have produced a soft copy of a book containing 24 puzzles involving 7 houses. A sample of the puzzle can be downloaded for free here. If you like it, you can purchase the soft copy for $4.90 online.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. If you read this report, you will realised some food stalls at ION Orchard basement food hall are closed due to poor business. I do not believe the economy is actually recovering. Lots of business are barely surviving.

  2. That's coz the freaking rentals are too damn high. If sell food at average of $4 per person, those food court stalls at new posh malls will need 500 customers daily just to break even.

    High property prices are translating to harder business prospects for small businessman, and higher inflation for the rest of us.
