Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Visitors to TKL blog

I used to have 2,500 to 3,000 visitors to my blog during weekdays. This week, it increased by 50%. Why is there a sudden jump? Is someone asking other people to visit my blog?


  1. I think the increase could be due to an article in on Goh Meng Seng's plan to sell his house to raise fund for the election.

    The article has a link to your earlier post regarding Goh Meng Seng's reply to your query.


  2. I came to your site after reading GMS selling of his HDB flat to raise funds.

  3. Two reasons I think.
    First, what is written on your TKL blog makes good sense. Readers benefited from the sharing of valuable information and experiences. It is a national treasure and a great platform for ideas exchange. Keep it up Mr. TKL.
    Second, the SGP unemployed stats probably spike up after the Gov stimulus is spent and done. More are sitting at home, in front of their PCs. And their first choice is TKL's blog.


  4. I had been visiting your blog since the start of the mini-bond saga although I am not a victim. I did asked friends or people I know to visit your blog if they want to know more about or maybe purchase insurance.

  5. I just found your blog recently and I find it very informative and educational.

    I did put some on your interesting posting on my facebook wall which does help to increase some traffic

  6. Mr Tan, perhaps GE is coming, and plenty of Singaporeans is taking a keen interest in you and keeping their fingers cross....... :)

  7. From what I understand, Facebook communities are circulating messages to visit your blog, since yours is the first to publish a verified account of NSP Sec-Gen Goh Meng Seng selling his flat to raise funds for coming election.

  8. Hi

    I'd suggest you install Google Analytics. This allows you to get more details on your visitors in future including
    - from which websites they clicked links on to get to your articles.
    - which pages they are viewing
    - from which Countries they are from etc.

    Here is a guide how to install it on your blog:


  9. i suspect is your goh meng seng article which drew kaypohs like myself.

  10. Could it be related to your appearance on TV?

  11. Maybe BIG BROTHER is watching this blog


    because you were on TV?

  12. I guess that becasue the Goldman Sach was sured by US goverment, we need to see the impact on Singapore and Morgan Stanly.

  13. Golden Sachs being sued in US by SEC is something to watch. It may affect Minibond, Pinnicle investors.

  14. Anon: April 21, 2010 5:23 PM

    Hope this is useful:
    SEC goes after Goldman (video)

  15. My thought would be that the election can be anytime this coming school holidays and ppls might be curious to see our future MP blog.Hope you can seriously think of it.
    Best of all

    mee pok man

  16. Anon: April 21, 2010 5:23 PM

    Minibond, Pinnicle investors:
    Cases outside the USA would be more useful. UK's FSA already started formal investigation of GS. ABN Amro which lost money in the GS deal, was acquired in 2007 by the Royal Bank of Scotland, which is now controlled by the British government after a series of bailouts. Good luck..

    So try monitoring

  17. When will SG MAS take action? They always declare they want to be No. 1 in the world.

  18. Will MAS take action after having said investors went in with the eyes open? The most they will do or has done is behind the scene. That is to save their face.

  19. The more popular your blog is, the higher your profile will be in the eyes of this Govt.
    They say they are immune to criticisms, that is a lie.
    Someone is tasked to keep an eye on TKL's blog, to see if they could sue anyone with defamation, to keep dissent under control.

  20. Anon, 8.24a.m.

    please ah, it is just like asking MAS Chairman GCT or MD Heng to admit that they were negligent in their regulation of these credit-linked notes, and permitted them to be sold to unsohisticated people
    here, even though they themselves,i.e. GCT and Heng, have trouble understanding Ang Mo terms like CDOs and Credit default swaps.
    Very malu for them, where to hide their faces.

  21. Definitely install Google Analytics. It can help you understand more about your readers, where they come from and what they are reading.

  22. CDO, Credit default etc are too complicated and technical to them. If everything good, they will claim credit. If not, they will get a scapegoat!

  23. A sudden jump (by 50%) could be due to more frequent visits by the Public (including the PAP) who find that TKL's blog is telling the truth, both informative and constructive. Keep it up!!

  24. I visited fundsupermart webstie forum and foud a link to this site. 想见恨晚!

