Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Be positive

I encourage people to have a positive attitude - to focus on what is right, rather than what is wrong. They should also avoid trying to pass judgement on other people, based on their limited knowledge, information, perception or prejudice.

I give my views on changes that will be better for the future of Singapore. I get comments from some people that are negative, cynical or judgemental. They say, "This will never happen", "the government will not agree", "you must be dreaming" and the like. There is no need for them to behave in this manner. If they disagree, they can state their reason. There is no need to be judgemental or to attack another person's views.

I believe that a large number of people supporting a positive change can make an impact. While most of us have been educated to find out what is wrong, it may be better to embark on a journey to find out what is right.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. In the musical "Fiddler on the Roof", two jews were quarelling over a matter. They approached the rabbi (religious leader) for advice.

    The rabbi heard the first jew's storey and said "Jacob, you are right".

    The rabbi then heard the second jew's story and said "Samuel, you are right".

    The third jew, who observed what was going on, was astonished. He asked the rabbi, "Why do you say that Jacob is right and Samuel is right? Surely, they can't both be right?"

    The rabbi replied, "Joseph, you are also right".

    The rabbi is being positive. He sees what is right in a situation. Everyone is right from their own perspective. If one is right, it does not mean that another person is wrong.

  2. Bloggers comments like "This will never happen", "the government will not agree" etc should not always be construed as being negative, cynical or judgemental. The bloggers disagree with the original poster and are just expressing their personal views. Unlike the original poster, the respondents may have bad experiences with the govt and hence may appear "negative". With the exception of a few bloggers, I feel most bloggers are NOT out to attack anyone personally. What have they got to gain?

    We all want to see positive changes. However some people feel that they have been unfairly treated by the system (eg opposition politicians) that they tend to say things like "this will never happen", "the government will not agree" etc. The breakup of GRC into single member constituencies ia a case in point. Implementng a Minimum Wage law is another example. Of course, if the govt changes its form then some of these things may happen.

    Some bloggers are loud and may use harsh words. We should not be overly sensitive to blog comments especially when no malice is intended and reasons for their disagreements are given.

  3. You cannot improve without knowing what is wrong.

  4. nothing if forever, things will change surely.

    it is only when.

    if obama is not good he should go.

    same for lee kuan yew.

    if he is not good anymore, he should also go.

    this is very reasonable.

    apply for tan kin lian as well.

  5. Reply to 12:38 am
    I agree with you. You need to knwo what is wrong, before you can put it right.
    There are many issues where people look at what is wrong with a proposal to make a change, rather than what is right with that proposal. This negative approach, to focus on what is wrong, results in "no action" being taken.

    In any change, there are positve and negative impacts. By focusing only on the negative, there will be no change. If the positive outweigh the negative, we should make the change. If it still does not work, we have to change again.

  6. Reply to 1.54 am
    Why do you need to attack me with an irrelevant comment?

  7. Do feel free to guide me. Me feels that some people are simply too positive and overly optimistic at times. Some are genuine in their views, however whether the views are congruent with the outlooks, frankly, none should be too sure. The Chinese Saying 'weather is not predictable', 'tian you bu zhe fung yun' applies.

    There are also people such as politicians, mercantile professionals and businessmen who use 'positiveness' to hide flaws, worse to camouflage wrongs and weaknesses and to mislead.

    Positiveness when used by people with ulterior motives, to make money, to hide mistakes or use it to pretend and assuage fears of real and imminent failures will not be positive at all, in fact it is just the opposite.

    Dare I say there have been too much abuse and misuse of 'positive' thinkings.


  8. apply for tan kin lian as well.
    May 06, 2010 1:54 AM

    There's no problem with tan kin lian, the only problem is the people who set the system to make Singapore like a feudal society rather than a republic. There are too many feudal lords running their own mini-turfs in Singapore. We shouldn't blame the feudal lords, they are only pawns.

  9. I hope that YOU preach what you do and somehow is so hard to believe because you always contradict yourself.When someone commented something that you do not like or hear,you defended like anyone else and show the shallow side of yourself.You feel that 1.54am 'attack'you,is only fact he is stating just like the way you have to leave NTUC even PAP!for a character like you, you are still the same and that is,conceited; egoistic' and pompous.Only humble man will win the heart of the people & for you, centainly you are not humble and surely I hope if you stand for election, the voters will know your true colors. You can hold no candle to Low Thia Kang, Sylvia Lim or Chiam See Tong.TKL,DON'T PRETEND, YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE AND CERTAINLY IS SOMEONE IS LACKEY TO YOU, YOU LIKE AND IF SOMEONE IS OPPOSING YOU, YOU FIGHT,JUSTIFIED AND DEFEND EVEN FOR VERY FAIR COMMENT, YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT FROM THIS REGIME AND EVEN SOMETIME, is up to you whether you print or not BUT during your NTUC days, we heard much bad things about you and is not gossip, is a fact & true such like you are a cheeky man, are you not?U want prove?

  10. Anonymous @9:27
    Thanks very much for your comments.
    I was mislead by reading the posts here.Now,I WILL decide to vote for who come the next election in 2010.I respect People Will.

    pen pal
