Saturday, May 15, 2010

Countdown to 2 million visitors

The total visitors to my blog has just passed 1,900,000. I expect the count to reach 2 million by end of June 2010. By that time, my blog will be 40 months old. The average visitorship for this period is 1,700 visitors a day. The daily average has now reached 2,600 visitors.


  1. Kin Lian, with your readerships stats, I'd encourage you to monetise your blog.

    Put up some Google Adsense ads or the like so that you can earn some passive income.

    Even if you don't need the extra cash, you can put the money you've earned toward a socially-responsible cause.

    If you have doubts about this, perhaps you can carry out a survey to ask your readers if they support this idea, as well as their views.

  2. mr udders
    thanks for your suggestion. i am alreadying using my blog to advertise my books.
    apart from adsense, i have been approached by several advertisers wanting to put banners on my blog. so far, i have declined them.

  3. MR TAN. Congratulations and may God bless you with good health. From Cashew Nut

  4. Will you enter politics, sir?

  5. Mr. Tan, with a wider readership, you can help to reach the Pinnacle note investors rearding publicuty of the US leal action. I understnad from TODAY newspapers that there are not enough investors
    signing up.
