Friday, May 14, 2010

Dr. Goh Keng Swee

Dr. Goh Keng Swee has passed away after a long period of illness. He was the architect of Singapore's economic success. He was also the founder of NTUC Income.


  1. a Man who has done a lot but never ask for credit.

    One of the most respectable local leader.


  2. I could not help crying, as i watch him slogging for Singapore's welfare from young.
    In the pursuit of chasing my pot of gold, I feel guilty that i have almost forgotten this man.
    Man conducts his work, Heaven looks
    on. Almighty God will bless him with rewards.

  3. He was my boss when I was a young civil servant.
    Very focus but demanding. I learnt a lot from him especially his penchant for simple English.
    A private man thrown into the limelight but endured his challenges.
    Who could ask for anything more from him?

  4. Many do not know him personaly.
    Only through official contacts,channels.

    he is a very different person in private.. very.

  5. Ghim Moh ResidentMay 14, 2010 11:14 PM

    I am sad too. All state flags should fly half mast.

  6. The Late Mr Wee Kim Wee, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, Mr J B Jeyaretnam and Dr Goh Keng Swee received much accolades and tributes from netizens.

    Wonder what Netizens will say about President Nathan, MM Lee Kuan Yew, Mr Tony Tan and Dr Toh Chin Chye when their times are up?

  7. Read The Fajar Generation. There is a reason why he is part of the PAP.

  8. he is a very different person in private.. very.

    like what? care to share?

    and Mr Tan you are his student as well?

  9. Good to pay our last respect to him from 20-22 May.

    I did not hear much from him until yesterday. In my opinion, they are the heros who believed in putting Service to the Nation first instead for Salary from the Nation.

    Great and sincere person will always be remembered in true Singaporeans' heart.

  10. Very little was heard from Dr Goh himself or of his political political journey in the last two over decades.

    My hunches are; either Dr Goh has too much differences with his superiors and colleagues or there were better, younger and more capable politicians that outshone him and he got eclipsed. Me considers him the Best SIN has ever had for leadership. No self aggrandizing, no claim for credit, no glorifications of talent and sacrifice. Just a great silent achiever.


  11. The Straits Times refer to Dr. Goh as a Singaore Titan. It is an appropriate description to honor his immense contribution.

  12. I remember when PAP first came to power the minister's pay was only $ 3000 per month, may be less . If I remember correctly, when a minister retires from politics, a motion has to be passed in Parliament to award him a pension or gratitude in the region of 1 million. Mr Goh could be one of them. He was not paid a few million a year despite his enormous contribution to our country.

  13. He had the genuine passion to improve the lives of his fellow citizens.... money was not a consideration when he went into politics.... to make a difference was his objective.... What a marvelous honest spirit !

    Thank you Mr.Goh...

  14. Mr.Goh Keng Swee will be the most respected people from the polictical arena in Singapore history.
    I'd only seen him once in 51SIR.
    Mr.Goh,my most respected founding father of this little red dot,may you rest in peace.

    NS man

  15. People like Goh Keng Swee, Lim Kim San & Ong Teng sad to see them go. Nowadays we cannot find such good leaders anymore. Only those who supports PAP blindly.
