Monday, May 03, 2010

Give way on the road

Last Friday, I was driving along the Central Expressway. There were at least five occasions when the vehicle in front of me signalled the intention to cut into my lane. I slowed down and let them passed. It does not matter if they were bad drivers or could have signalled earlier.


  1. That was gracious of you , Mr Tan.
    If they signalled, I too would have given way, but not when they are already beside me !

    We have for the past decade or so, somehow "passed" numerous Road Users in Singapore who do not know how a Round-about and Yellow Boxes should be negotiated. Is it the LTA failure or simply a case of "once passed-catch-me-if-you-can" syndrome ?
    I used to believe that foreign drivers are more courteous/ knowledgable ! Not anymore.

    On the Expressway, more saloon car drivers are now using the left-most lanes to get ahead ! It is "Uniquely Singapore" ! A right-hand drive City-State that, at times, need one to over-take on the left and stay left !

  2. Oh Holy Kin Lian,

    You will have a high place in heaven next to Jesus Christ.


  3. Kin Lian,
    I agreed with your action. In my younger days, I would only give way to drivers who are obeying the traffic rules. Now that I am much older and wiser, I would just give way whether the other drivers are right or wrong. It does not really matter and once you have that psychological mind set, driving is less stressful.

  4. Reply to 6:05 pm
    You have been stalking my blog and posting all kinds of rubbish, attacking me personally.

    So, I decided to let the visitors know what type of rubbish you have been doing. You have posted at least 4 other rubbish in other comments of my blog, which I have also published.

  5. i suspect he waiting for his dinner , hungry and no one to talk to... that why post rubbish...haha

  6. quite childish on the 6.05pm post. Dont really understand his what is his objective..

  7. Driving in Singapore is very stressful because we do not practice giving way and taking turns at busy roads/junctions.
    In many other countries where the people are more gracious drivers, driving is actually a joy.
    Time to start the ball rolling for a more gracious driving experience in Singapore.

  8. May 03, 2010 7:27 PM
    KL, quite obvious is harassment

    "When an individual is targeted, the level of harassment usually begins slowly and increases with time"

    Just show and mark for others to read.
