Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother Tongue Language

Did the government make these commitments?

My view.
The purpose of education is to teach students to be literate, numerate, able to communicate and have social skills and values. A second language is useful. The approach towards any subject, including the second language, should be flexible and be changed according to future needs.


  1. """"他指出,去年在小六会考华文考试中获得A或A*的学生超过八成,英文、数学和科学的优等和特优率都不到50%,可见学生要在华文拿A不难。""""

    If 80% of students can score A or better in Chinese, as compared to less than 50% of stduents who scored A or A* in all others subjects, how can anyone say Chinese is "difficult to learn"?????

    The standard is so low now that it is so easy to score.

    Those who are really strong in Chinese (or those come from Chinese speaking families) have little or no advantage over others because the papers are too simple, not to mention just to pass the paper.

    Even though the weightage is not reduced, it has little or no impact to more tha 99% of the studnets.

    Why should the minority (less than l% of the students) making so much noise????
    For the majority, it is the Chinese that help push up their scores!!!!

  2. A pledge means a solemn promise in the international edition of all English dictionaries. In the Singlish edition, a pledge means an "aspiration".

    "Commitments" have a lower level of seriousness compared to a "pledge" according to most English dictionaries.

    Let's await Singapore's MOE to to advise us of its Singlish meaning.

  3. It is best to await MOE's definition on what the Singlish definition of "commitment" means.

    See today's (14 May) Straits Times articles for more examples of "Uniquely Singapore".

    Page B1; "Is Singapore the worst environmental offender?"

    Page A2; "Unjust pay cut for older worker hurts"

  4. The purpose of introducing the “weightage” system is to have different “weightage” on English, Maths, Science and Mother Tongue Language.

    It seemed that the Mother Tongue Language has the lowest “weightage” comparing to English, Maths and Science.

    Does anyone know the current “weightage” for the Mother Tongue Language?

  5. First commentator said 80% of students scored A in Chinese. Can you cite a source for this assertion?

    Whatever the case may be, if a person excels in Chinese and wishes to pursue further studies in the subject, good for him. He or she is perfectly at liberty to do so.

    But it is patently unreasonable to force others to learn Chinese if he or she does not want to do so. What if I prefer to learn French or Japanese instead of Chinese?

    One way is to have a few subject options, then let students use their best x subjects to count towards entry into Sec 1. Those who excel in Chinese and wish to use that subject, good. Others who are better in Science or English, let them use those instead.

  6. If more than 80% of students had demonstrated that they have no problem in learning CL, and many of them excel in the subject, why should the few has the right to deny others' right in learning the language by all means?
    The disability of students in learning a language should not be judged by parents' opinion or wish.
    The aptitude test by students is more reliable to predict their performance in the language. In fact, scholars think that motivation and environment are two important factors for effective language learning. Therefore, don't try to influense your child and encourage them to give up before they put in any effort. This is very selfish and shortsighted.
    Those who are really cannot compromise with our national bi-lingual policy, migration might be a good option for them in achieving their goals in future.

  7. The weightage isn't important.

    What's more important is to instill in students the love for the language, any language.

    People don't realise but having knowledge of another language is incredibly useful.

  8. You cannot even speak proper correct Chinese. What a shame!

  9. If 80% of students can score A or better in Chinese, as compared to less than 50% of stduents who scored A or A* in all others subjects, how can anyone say Chinese is "difficult to learn"?????

    Is the above a fact or someone makes it up?

    If it is true, then can you see any reason to discuss MTL weightage? Every student would want to get A by studying Chinese since it is so easy to get A.

    By accepting the statement as true, you are falling into the trap of some one trying to prevent you from discussing the issue logically.
