Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Portal on scams


Many Singaporeans I know, are always in the pursuit of material wealth and at times being complacement, only to realise later that they are victims of scams. How nice if we could have a similar portal like this, all under one roof:




  1. Finally, a proactive suggestion instead of complaints. Maybe CASE should set up something similar.

  2. If we cannot find such portal in our homeland than what sort of homeland security are we talking about?

    This portal truely reflects a Developed World Nation status:
    "Protect Our citizens at all cost" FOC......It is a CASING POINT TO FOLLOW and BE WARNED!

  3. Anything that is too good to be true usually is not true.

    So watch out for:

    -Shortcut to wealth besides pure luck from legalised lottery or inheritance.

    -Investments with promises of high returns and very low risk.

    -Easy and/or cheap to get something/somebody very nice and good or rather look so initially.

    -Kindness out of the ordinary.

    Just follow the above, don't be tempted and no scam can succeed.

  4. I attended a Free Investment Seminar in 2008 and didn't participate at all.

    Had this Portal on Scams been pro-active at that point in time, some of the 2000 investors would have been saved!

    The whole eposode happened in 2009Reports:

    Google this paragraph for more insights as quoted.......

    "There are some 2,000 investors from Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, who invested US$46 million via OilPods in working interests in oil and gas leases offered by a US company called Powder River Petroleum International. Powder River has gone into receivership, with the
    receiver alleging that it ran a pyramid scheme".

  5. In an some Investment Seminars, you will notice how the scammers work:

    1)often engage "Ang Mo" as Guest speakers or partners out of the blues!
    2)having very glossy advertisement
    banners at their Booth.
    3)smart attired sales consultants in full black suits - all polished up for the "Kill"
    4)notice at the Booth , sales consultant play act with colleagues as investors - as mock up, so as to attract the attention of unsuspecting investors as though the "Sale" is hot.

  6. According to friends, even in Shanghai, they engage "Ang Mos" at Investment Seminars & Real Estate Investment Fairs!
    The Mainland Chinese are attracted to "Ang Mos" in droves and plunge blindly with their money.

  7. The Internet has brought to the fore some good samaritans who are doing netizens great favours. Some fight for the Rights and Justice, some warn others of scams and dangers. All these kind deeds are very heartwarming.

    But contrast the helpfulness and kindness of fellowmen against the Leaders failing in their duties, complacency, negligence and downright irresponsibility, these leaders send chills down the hearts of the people.

    How in the World these shenanigans got elected is truely beyond comprehension.


  8. The Singapore equivalent is:


    Unfortunately it is not updated frequent enough and the information is normally outdated.

  9. Our law enforcer should be pro active and work closely with Interpol to clam down these scams. We always want to be first, why not in this area. Maybe too much work, no recognition, why bother. That's our LAW - Lazy And Wait (no one make noise, keep quiet) Just like all other stuff now than they act
