Sunday, May 02, 2010

Press Freedom

Read this article by Yoong Siew Wah.

My comment
The media can play a useful role in educating the public to have good values and be able to think for themselves. This requires the media to present both sides of an issue, so that the public is able to make a judgment on what is right from wrong, good from bad. Generally, Singaporeans are weak in the values, due to inability to think for themselves.


  1. I think the 'powers that be" like the press and Singaporeans exactly the way they are right now.

    It took 45 years to bake this fruit cake to its present level of somnolence. Why would 'they" want to change anything?

  2. Some aspect of ST are good. I use the Review articles to teach English and general knowledge as the articles covered mainly news outside of Singapore. Some writers are good in writing skill so I use them to teach my son.
    Other section will be advertisement for sale etc.

    I normally dont read the local political news or analysis so people buy the papers for many different reasons.

  3. REX comments as follows,

    I think that Lee Wei Leng daughter of MM LKY, is the best writer in the Straits Times. Her articles are really first class, balanced, well thought out and with a tinge of sentimentalism. I enjoy reading it.


  4. i am one who has stopped buying st. and if i did, i would only read the sports section and skipped the rest of the garbage.

  5. The suppression of freedom of speech and the real life examples of how opposition gets kick out of the country or sue until bankrupt is part of the system to manage by fear. The believe that as long as there is jobs and food, running of the country is done by the govt and only the govt.

    Prolong suppression leads to the next generation taking the attitude of bo-chap e.g.

    i) I hardly find anything interesting in The Straits Times as it is full of PAP news and personality marketing.

    ii) I don't watch Parliament as what they want to do is already been decided before Parliament starts.

    iii) All PAP MPs don't speak their mind freely as they are afraid to be scolded by the big boss.

    To me, I don't care what the govt do. I have no time for them as I need to keep myself alive because I am a jobless PMET. What I believe previously does not hold anymore as the Minibond was a eye opener. The continue saga of GS in USA only goes to show how toothless the authority and the regulator when they comes to handling investment giants.

  6. Dear ANON 11:20pm:
    "To me, I don't care what the govt do. I have no time for them as I need to keep myself alive because I am a jobless PMET."

    That IS the PLAN. To keep everybody so busy, we've got no time and energy to think.

    "Teach less, learn more"
    - if THEY teach less in school, parents will have to teach more at home.

    "Regulation with a light touch"
    - if it's a buyer beware type of regulation
    - ConnedSumers will be too busy studying the financial products they are buying to THINK about politics and policy

    "Rising COE prices"
    - car buyers are too busy trying to get a best deal over the weekend to spend time THINKING about politics and policy

    "Rising property prices"
    - same as COE prices above

    "Retrenching older PMETs"
    - if these older PMETs are not retrenched in their 40's, they will have too much time & money in their 50's and 60's to think about politics and policy

    Keeping employees busy and tired is a tried and tested "employee management and control" tactic in Singapore."
    - all Singaporeans (elite and working class) practise this tactic when we hire our first maid.

    Please feel free to "flame" me if you think I am wrong.

  7. I suspect you are talking about politics. I find when it comes to reporting on issues of public deceit like land banking and some health products that the press is far too neutral. Presenting both sides of the story when the overwhelming evidence points to the failure of the product is cowardly.

    Imagine how many people we all cared about all over the world would be alive today if 50 years ago the worlds press had said - "smoking gives you cancer and heart disease and will kill you and your family".

    Everyone presented both sides of the story then in newspapers and magazines full of cigarette adverts. One side was clearly telling the truth, and the other side was clearly making huge amounts of money.

  8. What SPH Press publishes are like what communist countries do, all propaganda. So i read only the social, general knowledge and entertainment sections, and whatever the leaders say, i'll justb turn the page.
