Sunday, May 30, 2010

Quarrel on the MRT train

Two persons were quarrelling on the MRT train. A young girl, while seated and talking in the mobile phone, carelessly knoced against a young man seated next to him. The young man complained, as he was listening to his music. The lady complained loudly about the remarks and abused the man continuously for scolding her for an unintended act. She called her friend on the mobile phone to tell loudly about this incident. She also challenged him to get down at the next stop for a fight.. From the accent, both of these persons were foreigners who have lived in Singapore for some time.

This is an unntended consequences of allowing many foreigners to live in Singapore in a short time. The culture and social behavior of the people livng in Singapore has changed consideraly.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. they are everywhere! shopping mall, hdb hub, coffee shop, every few steps you take, you hear and see them. lots and lots of them in their 20s, you just stop hearing from them. there is only one place away from them, green forest.

  2. Yes, talking loudly in the mobile phone to let the whole world knows what he/she is talking about is really a nuisance and noise disturbance.

  3. Last week, my wifre and I were on board a smrt bus in Yishun. Along the way, the male bus driver and a female passenager started a quarrel over a small matter. Both are from the PRC. For spilt second, we though we were travelling in a bus in China. Sigh.


  4. These foreigners are providing opportunities for people to make use of their handphones to film the entire act, and upload to Youtube or Stomp.

  5. Fight? Obviously the woman has underground links. SG has evolved into a hub for evil money; esp. with the setting up of the two mega casinos. Better put a firm stop to this bad influence. Money from Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, China and India are keeping our banks flush with cash. A haven for forbidden money, a CURSE for our nation and its financial institutions.

  6. Time travellerMay 30, 2010 11:28 AM

    It adds colour to our lives and the mundane travel on the trains.
    Travel on the Tube in London.. its like being part of a funeral cortege.

    Enjoy the show

  7. Once when i was in the MRT, i sat down between 2 young women.

    Because the seats are rather small, i sat in a way only half of my buttock are on the seat, and leaning forward.

    I assumed it was a nice gesture on my part because had i leaned back, i would be rubbing my shoulders with two young women who i do know. Thought by doing this i am giving them for space.

    To my chagrin, the young woman on my right picked up her phone, called someone and spoke loudly through a phone about a man beside her on the MRT who does not know his manners and is sitting in the wrong way.

    I was dumbfounded,first because no part of my body is in contact with her, secondly, if she is unhappy, i am right next to her! What is the point of calling someone else on the phone to complain to me indirectly?

  8. I don't think S'pore will ever have a gracious society.

  9. Talking on a mobile phone dressed in pajamas is considered a high class act in Shanghai. This action is to show everybody that she has upgraded to pajamas and can afford a handphone. Have wealth, flaunt it seems to be the order there.
    Closer home, these foreign lians after screwing a few ah bengs here consider herself at the upper end of the pecking order and is therefore not shy in flaunting her power.
    I once saw on youtube a video shot on a bus in Guangzhou, where a young girl dressed in very short shorts was unhappy with a fellow passenger. The bus stopped while waiting for the police. Soon a van turned up and a man in military uniform came up the bus and forcefully kicked the passenger in the face. It seemed the man is a friend or relative of the girl.

    Be careful, such foreign behaviour is common and it is a matter of time before this is imported, together with the foreigners. The decision makers who made the decision to let them in will be spared from all these, as they have bodyguards with them and unlikely to travel on our public transport system. Those who will suffer from these will be those who have voted in the decision makers.
    Good Luck...

  10. It is rarher difficult to be gracious with so many people pack into one place.

    One of my Singaporean friends said many years ago :"It is suffocating to live in Singapore".

    But then again, if everyone is allowed to have their own ways, Singapore might be like Greece one day.

  11. Just like to say that squabbles, quarrels, back stabbings and even fights are common in SIN.
    Neighbours do it, siblings do it, couples do it, colleagues do it, night spot customers do it, politicians do it and of course hawkers do it too.

    It's a country where everyone wants to be the only winner.

    Add some more to the list if You like.


  12. Quarrels on the MRT train all boils down to STRESS in the MRT!

    Overcrowding, smelly armpits, body odours & to make matters worst, some oldies farting or passengers farting all add to tempers boiling!

  13. I was in a train packed with FTs or foreigners! The train stopped & somone (standing) gave a loud fart!
    that targeted a Bangala, who almost whacked the culprit!

    The sound of music(fart) was rather rude to us - the commuters!

  14. I wish all ministers to show good
    example by taking the they can understand all the problems which discuss in this blog.and provide the solution since they get million dollar salary
    Problems are :

    1) too many FT ???
    2) too pack in the train ???
    3) too long a frequency on train schedule ???
    4) too many FT miss behave in the train ???

  15. Anon 11:46pm Minister, especially Minister for Transport, should take MRT to understand the public transport problems. Likewise , Town Council should be managed by HDB dwellers instead of Politicians or other people for political gain.

  16. To May 30, 2010 11:46 PM:
    A very good, valid & sensible suggestion but almost impossible because who is going to take the lead.

  17. PAP govt has no clue what they are getting themselves into by allowing so many PRC and Indian nationals here.

    PAP thinks these people are as docile as S'poreans. Very soon, we will have the first protest on the streets by these people.

  18. Reply to Anonymous @ 12:12am

    If I remembered correctly sometime last year or the year before there was a group of PRC workers gathering outside the new parliament over their salary or something. It was reported in the LianHeZhaoBao (Chinese newspaper). Hence, the foreigners had already protested in the Singapore street. The different is that none of the PRC was arrested then but 5 opposition members were charged in court for walking from point A to point B.

    Singaporeans really do come first when they choose to uphold the law. Uniquely Singapore.


  19. LKY took many years to inculcate harmony and nationhood during our young days. Before we are able to impart this spirit into our children, the society has changed so much with the influx of "foreign talent". The "foreign talent" who speak aloud at public places, who stand inconsiderably at the exit of the buses,.... How do we expect this generation of children to believe the parents' teaching when it is against what they see in real life... That is the future of Singapore

  20. Please be fair. those thing mentioned on above Singaporean are do "stand inconsiderably at the exit of the buses" eta. But real thing need to improve is the Train and Bus Frequency......

  21. there is no problem with our population numbers and there is no need to bring in PRC migrants.

  22. Such kind of behavior is really annoying, but ...

    Does such behavior only comes from foreigners? I experienced locals talking loud over phone in MRT using Hokkien as well, I experienced locals arguing with each other in food court on who's the right "chopper" of the tables, I experienced seeing young girls/guys wearing local school uniforms sitting on the MRT seat, busy facebooking or gaming regardless there's pregnant lady standing right in front of them...

    We should blame such bad behaviors for sure, but it's not right to say this is all caused by too many foreigners.

    Mr. Tan Kin Lian, if you are purely against the behavior, I admire you. But if you are putting on color glasses and blaming foreigners in general, just because of what you experienced, I feel ashamed to call Singapore an international hub, with people having your qualification and professional background, still being so narrowly minded against foreigners ...
