Monday, May 03, 2010

Two sides to a story

Read this article.

My comment
It is better for the government minister to be above the fray and not be defensive about people presenting the other side. By acknowleding that there is another side, the minister will set the environment for a more open society in Singapore. I continue to be hopeful that our leaders have the integrity and intelligence to understand my message.


  1. rex comments as follows,

    as at 8.30 am 3 May, the video is not viewable when clicked, giving a message "an error occurred". Without evidence, nothing can be concluded.

    Hats off to the mastermind who censored the video, 8.8% pay rise for you sir, for acting swiftly to defend something you believe worth defending. good job...

  2. Rex, I think somethong is wrong with your pc or internet connection. I just watch the video, nothing wrong.

  3. I just watched the Video. It is ok and clear.

    As usual, I am confused.

    Millionair Dr. Bala said in Sgp, homeless will have food & shelter.

    Ms Ho said Mdm S was not aware that AL J crews are from a network and doing an article to be televised.

    Mdm S on video seems alert and clear what she is doing.

    End of the day, they are still at the beach even though Millionair Bala claimed they profited from HDB sales in Parliament.

    So, do we consider them as homeless or not even though they made some money from HDB sales but ended up at the beach for whatever reasons.

    So what is the definition of homeless? If you sold your HDB and made a profit but ended up at the Beach and living in a tent due to whatever reason, you are not a homeless but a cash rich family just enjoying nature and happen to stay at the beach and met a journalist who did an article of you for fun.

    Another PAP crap....

  4. the purpose of the one-sided reporting is to make sure that we only hear the good news. there are enough problems in the world and more bad news only serves to demoralize us.

    As long as we are not the victim of circumstances, not part of the statistics, then hearing the good news will help us be assured of the government's ability to manage society and we can all be focused to be working and increasing productivity.

    Isn't this good news? why worry about other people when it doesn't concern us? as long as we work hard and vote PAP, life will be good.

  5. rex comments as follows,

    ok now i can see the video. i have no idea what happened.
    Anyway, it seems hard to believe that the lady interviewed thought tha aljazeera people were "volunteers". why would volunteers carry all the heavy video equipment? Volunteers are ang mo lady carying a microphone? How could the lady interviewed think that these people were volunteers? I think it was pretty obvious that the lady interviewed knew that the guests were media people, and she just wanted to speak her piece.
    It wasnt very fair of the government to blame her, in my opinion, she was just reacting to the situation and not accusing anyone.


  6. Mr Tan;

    being a professional yourself, You were able to 'save' your wife from been exploited. The others; just too bad, they lost their monies with their 'eyes wide opened'.

    Me am educated to elementary level, not good in crafting sophisticated wisdoms. However, me feels that more sins and greaters sins are made justifiable by rulers and shenanigans all over the world. More inhumane policies are implemented and more wrongfuls deeds are legalized.

    Humanities and religions have become useless and impotent against manmade laws to legalize sins. So, what do You think of the future of Singaporeans who have to face the onslaughts of dirty tactics and techniques??

    Regards: patriot

  7. Mr Tan,great job,u informed e public,now we see e truth,i saw e video & also e channel(when it was release)as i am not staying in SE,e writer clearly & rightly state e "make up"of e story,so where is e onus of truth in SE journalism?i have stopped to believing what is written in your SE paper,propagandas aside,it protrays a pathetic state of SE pple as lame stupid to believing waht is written!worst,no avenue whatsoever to rebutt if u r arm with e 'truth'..sad state of living such in a 1st World Country & what prevails education in manner of controlled mind(&brain)drilling that if u do not play e game well,u r out so,DOES SE PPLE HAVE A MIND,GUTS & PRIDE OF THEIR OWN?

  8. Have just viewed the video which is viewable.

    Nothing surprising anymore in Singapore to read such obvious slants of reporting from the MSM.

    Journalists? are there still journalists in Singapore, especially in the MSM.. one begs to differ.

  9. I totally agreed with you, Mr Tan about being above the fray. There must be some degree to the truth that it brought about the media attention. I am actually quite disturbed by the fact the new generation seem to dismiss all problems on the basis of misinformation. Instead of defending themselves, why not proactively to see if they can solve these problems

  10. Try this link instead:

    In my humble view, we either have homeless people or we don't. What is there to hide? If we have a problem, let's fix it. This used to be the Singapore way of doing things in the past.

  11. Anon May 03, 2010 9:47 AM: "why worry about other people when it doesn't concern us? as long as we work hard and vote PAP, life will be good."

    Are you sure it does not concern you?

    "THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

    THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

    THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    THEN THEY CAME for me
    and by that time no one was left to speak up."

  12. After Rex complained that the video was not viewable, I clicked on the link and got the same outcome as Rex. So, there is nothing wrong with Rex's PC. There was something wrong with the server and it has nwo been rectified.

  13. rex comment as follows,

    i think maybe the youtube video was only just uploaded and under processing system of youtube not viewable yet. I have perhaps responded too fast and satirically made some unfair remarks in my first post, for this i beg your forgiveness.
    On the other hand, i stick by what i said,in my 2nd post, that is, it is absurd to think that the lady "was under the mistaken impression that these were volunteers offering to help her".


  14. Kin Lian/Rex,

    Sometimes a glitch happens when the viewer tries to contact the Youtube server, resulting in an error. You may "right click" on the Youtube's embedded viewer (the black video portion) and select "Watch on Youtube". It should be fine from there on.

  15. Are you suggesting that our leaders are not intelligence enough to understand your message?

    If you are so clever how come you are not ministers and they are ministers?

    Kin Lian don't try to disturb a sleeping giant. You are no match for these people. You can frightened the small guys. The PAP have years of experience. They even know the colour of your underwear.

    If you are really a big Singapore hero show yourself as a candidate for the next GE.

  16. Reply to 6;18 pm
    You have been posting rubbish and keeps attacking me frequently.

  17. 6:18, Mr Tan is a honourable person in the sense that he puts his name to the "articles", you 6:18 hide under the dress, and spew "crap"... no class!If you want to abuse the writer, show your face... like what the ruling party would say!

  18. rex comments as follows,

    i have heard many times of this kind of questions "If you are so clever how come you are not ministers and they are ministers?"

    it is quite similar to another question, "you must be jealous of the ministers salary because you are not earning as much as them".

    In my earlier posts on another thread, I had already commented at length on the 2nd, now let me say something about the first proposition - that you have to be clever to be a minister.

    Singapore has many many clever people but they just can't be minister because they don't see things the same way as the ruling party. The ruling party doesnt even tolerate peaceful disagreements of views and actively creates a hostile environemnt, (e.g,:you have to fear being jailed for 1 week if you make so much as a single person peaceful protest aka distributing flyers, on the streets).

    How can a clever person be a minister in such circumstance? You cannot assume that a clever person supports everything the ruling party does.

    Clever people must be given space of their own. This is the most basic philosophy of managing people, always remember that.

    There is no correlation at all between CLEVER and being a Minister in Singapore. Some Ministers are Clever, yet some are downright Morons or else saka-kings.
    There are also Clever people in the streets who may or may not want to be minister, due to the unfavourable laws of the land.

    Finally there are also morons such as anon.@6.18 with his myopic view that clever people become ministers in Singapore.

