Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Useful feedback from Rex

Hello Kin Lian

I'm a fan of your blog because I think it promulgates the right values for all Singaporeans. I also like you to succeed in what seems to be a crusade of awakening and shaking up an apathetic and sentimental population who continue to tolerate misdoings and injustices in society.
In this regard, I just like to suggest to you that some of your recent posts may only give grounds for critics to discredit you.

Example 1.
You said "Singaporeans are well educated and score high marks in academic subjects. Unfortunately, most are not able to think for themselves...."
It would have been less offensive if you said "quite a few" instead of "most". "Most" means more than 50%. You will surely offend a lot of people because without a proper study, it is not possible for anyone to declare that more than 50% of Singaporeans are not street smart or can think. Your original statement will only fend fire for critics to destroy you.

Example 2.
You said "Singaporeans follow a script blindly and do not think."
Likewise, the overall use of the term SINGAPOREANS is damning on 100% Singaporeans. In my opinion you should have said "Some Singaporeans" because it is more accurate, and better from EQ point of view.

Example 3.
You said "Car drivers in Singapore have a bad habit of using the horn to express their anger. "
Likewise, this statement is too strong. It is a direct implication of every car driver in singapre. In my opinion you should have said "there seems to be quite a few car drivers....blah".
But I assure you my intentions are sincere, I do not wish to see criticisms against a person with a good heart, because of minor slip-ups in linguistic usage. Too many good people have fallen unnecessarily in the current regime because of the very same reason.
Thanks for your feedback.
I agree with your points.


  1. Dear Mr. Tan,
    I think I am one of them who also reminded you several times in respect of youe responses. It comes across very strong. Though for most of us who follow your blog, we understand your good intention but many of your replies did not come across well.
    You need to watch that as it will be sad that all your good intention get twisted.


  2. Reply to Albert.

    I know Rex well and I know that his remarks are sincere.

    There are other people who wants all opportunities to attack me in my blog, so I have to be careful of these people as well.

    I do not know you well enough to place you. Why don't you send an e-mail to me, like Rex did?

  3. Hi Mr Tan & Rex,

    Thank you both very much for helping to keep readers informed and comment fairly. It is a great help to use the appropriate words in discussion and in comments; that way one steers clear of trouble

    Thank you indeed.

  4. Hello Rex,
    You try to teach an old bull how to dance?You cannot change a leapard taking out the spot and call him a dog.Do not be lacky & is irony how this blog became politcal of sort,wanted public attention and down trying to shallow the comments.We have seen the real face of democracy & democratic at work and surely,if this man call Mr Tan is elected in office,no sooner he will be the like to MIW,after all he had been but was booted out.I am in the same camp except that i grace out.So you see, TKL is the same same & interestingly we can follow this blog and scrutinize to see the gang of followings.At the same time,over period we shall see what TKL is made of.All my kakis will follow this blog very closely and yes,is up to TKL to post or not this comment,whichever way he is still the old bull and we know who you are,TKL are and those commenting and come the time,surely people like TKL will have to answer the greater public about his intend to stand for public office,I remember once he wanted to be President>?WHAT A LAUGHING JOKE!!maybe President of his only own blog.Surely we are watchng very closely and also asked 'voters'to visit his blog to show his true colour.just like another same old regime but not as powerful..just a meow meow.

  5. -2.54pm
    If you understand Mr Tan well,I am sure that he is not like that.
    Views differ and readers and writers can comprehend differently.
    Is better to give alternatives then just to comment of critical approach,after all is Mr Tan's blog and if one day he stands for office,he will have himself to be scrutiny and answer to his supporter.To date, I am his supporter.

  6. Mr. Tan
    When you replied "I agree ...". It was really encouraging. You are a real man who is willing and able to face alternative view point from Rex. I must say I am a fan of you. FROM CASHEW NUT

  7. hi 2:54 PM,

    -> teach old bull how to dance
    -> cannot change a leopard to a dog
    -> Show TKL true colour

    So what's your point? The topic is graceful writing or mindful not to generalize as it can be offensive.

    2:54 pm message sounds like an angry Ex-NTUC who is not happy about TKL. Maybe it is personal. I thought it is best he can write to TKL personally or start his own blog to counter TKL writers' comments or present his opinion fairly so that others in TKL can learn or participate.

    Being offensive, insulting at times and character attack is not graceful especially when I assume 2:54 pm "grace out" of NTUC gracefully.

    So, please be graceful when writing a message.....

  8. Mr. Tan, may be sometimes your response is somewhat critical, top down or look hrash but I do not judge just what you said but what you have done.

    So far I am supportive of what you have done for many people in need.

  9. Mr.Tan,
    I ma glad that you publish the 2.54m response. Well, its for all to see and judge. Having seen the responses, I am with you.

  10. Always remember that 'Honesty is the best policy but be tactful'. Singapore needs an environment which encourage 'openness, sincerity and fairness', so that all parties-concerned can engage in a discussion and debate on the relevant subjects meaningfully and constructively. TKL's blog has such a quality from my observation.

  11. I have testimony from blog instructor at active ageing who recommended participants to visit TKL's blog for matters of financial interest. He recommended that TKL's blog is a very good blog and he himself visits blog to keep updated on financial matters. So there are independent people who openly praise TKL's blog to others. Do keep up your good work, Mr Tan. Maybe person angry because your blog attracts so many visitors.
