Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Civil servant's pay

Mr Tan Kin Lian,

It came upon me an interesting article from BBC. UK government is making effort to make the salaries of senior civil servants transparent. The names of person who earns above GBP 150,000 per year were revealed.

This is what the British Prime Minster said. "Openness will not be comfortable for us in government, but it will enable the public to hold our feet to the fire. This way lies better government."


From Cashew Nut

Some 171 civil servants are paid more than Prime Minister David Cameron's £142,500-a-year salary, according to Cabinet Office figures.


  1. To Cashew Nut:

    It will take 520 man-years to compile the necessary data.

    Don't hold your breath.

    A better man than you have tried and failed.

  2. It would take 100 years before they are able to tell you who earn more than $1M a year!

    We were told that we should trust them. Well, we trusted Meng Yi, NKF, CHC, etc.

  3. Our civil servants are paid too high.Even higher than those in the private sector. How come? One day it will bankrupt our nation like Greece.

  4. MM Lee once said, "We have a budget for the high salaries...".

    Meaning these are monitored and controlled.

    For instance if one has a 10% entertainment budget, then spending $10,000 per month for it is still OK. Provided the income is $100,000 per month.

    But to many $10,000 may be total expenses for a few months!

    That's why LKY is telling voters to look things in perspective. Whether or not they agree with him will be seen at the outcome for the next election.

  5. Learn from Japan.
    Ministers just resign if they are incapable.

    Latest PM Hatoyama says he will resign!

  6. When a nation bankrupts, it does not mean the Rulers also bankrupt along with it. More often than not a nation goes bankrupt because its' leaders are corrupts.


    When leasders are corrupt, they would have schemed and made safe exit plans long in advance. Any new leader will be too busy to save the country to pursue the wrong doers of the previous regime. However, it must be said that wrong doers will live in perpetual fear of prosecutions.


  7. The pay of ruling politicians and civil servants are ridiculous, and Singaporeans are seething with anger. People are being bribed with
    high remunerations so as to attract
    them to join the Govt. This shows
    without this carrot, no Singaporean would offer to join them. So pathetic and desperate.

  8. "Prime Minister David Cameron's £142,500-a-year" and British Regulator is putting an effort to close down landbanking company who are out to cheat their citizens.

    Our PM Lee draws S$3.4 millions a year, approx 1.7 million pounds a year but MAS is not doing anything about fraud landbanking companies and continue to allow them to advertise and cheat on Singaporeans.

    So I wonder why our govt is paid so much and do so little? This is really a Singapore joke. We, the taxpayers are the suckers in the end.

  9. And furthermore, "Mr Cameron said NHS managers and other senior civil servants should not earn "more than 20 times the lowest paid" in their organisations."


  10. Can anyone point where I can find out where my $1 in tax goes to ?

    It would be very enlightening.

  11. The gov carefully removed pension scheme from Civil Service but they have selfishly retained for themselves. Already in the millions per year and a pension for life?

    The PM has can decide a DISCRETIONARY bonus of up to 12 months based on performance. Are we naive to believe he would pay himself or his dad 1 month?

    What about the family business or associated directorships? We are talking about 100s of millions a year for some of them.
