Saturday, June 19, 2010

Customer Service and Web Forms

Many organisations have feedback forms on their website. These forms are often ignored, giving a bad impression of the customer service standard of the organisation.

This situation can be easily addressed. The contact center should be made responsible to attend to these forms. The forms are an alternative to getting a call on the telephone. By processing the web forms, the organisation can improve the productivity of its call center as most of the essential information are entered by the customer. If any information is missing, it can be obtained by a call back to the customer.

The web from should be simple in design. It only need to ask for the name, contact number, e-mail address (optional) and a free format text box for details to be entered. All enquiries are placed in the server and marked as attended or not. This ensures that all requests are handled.

I hope that organisations will organise this additional mode to contact the call center. It will improve the standard of customer service in Singapore.

Tan Kin Lian

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