Thursday, June 03, 2010

How to end the meaningless struggle?

Extract from Tommy Wong's book, "Wisdom on How to Live Life"

Tom: Can you elaborate further on living as souls?
Guru: As we live as souls and we know that souls’ existence is eternal, we’re not too interested in undertaking tasks that are merely for the sustenance of our bodies.
Tom: So life is not about working for a living?
Guru: It should not be, but unfortunately many do and life becomes a meaningless struggle.
Tom: Meaningless, why meaningless?
Guru: Because many struggle just to keep their bodies going and yet their bodies are bound to perish. That’s why it’s meaningless.
Tom: Can we make life more meaningful?
Guru: Sure, by undertaking tasks that is good for the soul.
Tom: Such as?
Guru: To know spiritual truths, and to live with these truths and discriminate against falsehood.
Tom: Name one spiritual truth.
Guru: We are souls and not bodies.

Tommy Wong

This book can be purchased online here.


  1. In Foxconn factory in China, workers jump from their factory buildings because "life is meaningless".

    In S'pore, some will jump from HDB or jump in front of MRT train.

    If you are single without any dependants and only beholden to yourself, then probably easier to have Zen attitude to life.

    If you everyday have to see your suffering elderly parents in chronic pain and the hungry faces of your children, then very difficult if not impossible to have such serene outlook on life.

    Humans are also animals with survival and predatory instincts. Remember Maslow's hierarchy of needs. When push come to shove, 99.99% of people will regress into animalism. Parents have been known to kill their own children to eat rather than starve to death.

  2. Much of human struggles are due in no small parts to ego and greed.

    Greed kills conscience and ego feeds vanity.

    Human beings are like candle, the wax is the body, the wick is greed(heart) and the flame, ego(head). When the wick wants more, it draws from the wax, when the flame wants more, it takes from the wick and the wax.

    The wax gets sap in no time when the wick and the flame are strong, however, when the wax is used up, the wick and the flame die with it and all ceased to exist.

    We are born naked, go empty and become void. Nothing to remember whence one turn to ash and dust.

    Wanton not in existence, just enjoy the wonders of life. It is short; so make it simple and sweet.


  3. What guru is this who speak of souls? From all we know, an individual is just his body (and his brain, which is also ultimately a body part). There is no ghost in the machine, unless there is clear evidence to the contrary.
