Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Investor sues land banking company

Read this report.

My comment
Many investors have approached me for assistance on similar investments which were not repaid after the maturity date.


  1. Interesting storyline!
    Remember: All Investments come with RISK.

  2. Its about time the press reported on this company. The blogs and internet in general have been reporting concerns for years.

    The only thing the press seemed to want to report was their claimed attempt to buy a football club which it seems was just a ruse to gain publicity.

  3. When i wonder does this issue cross the line and become a matter for the police ? Singapore is very friendly to business, that is part of the reason for its success. But there still has to be a line drawn.

  4. Why don't these affected investors ask their Members of Parliament for help?

    They voted those high priced local talents into office. Well tough. You will have to learn to live with the consequences of your action.

    Why bother Tan Kin Lian? He's not your MP.

  5. Singapore is a business prostitute because jobs is the only focus.

    A 4 letter word that is paramount in the entire cabinet.. nothing else matters: JOBS

    We will prostitute ourselves, bend over and get JOBS

    With JOBS, all will be busy and with JOBS all will buy car and be in debt.
    Buy house and be in debt
    And all will be busy working to pay off debts

    None will be free to philisophise or think of alternative solutions to economy or problems. THEY will decide and you just obey.

    Thats why THEY encourage entrepreneurship.. yet THEY will create entities to compete with you, or create rules to prevent you from being too creative.

    THEY will remind you of how "small" we are and how vulnerable and cannot be complacent, yet disallow you to do what you want with your your CPF, or uninvolved when white collared crimes are being committed right under their noses.

    Completely elitist.Meritocracy?
    Only for the elite group...

  6. The only way out to get public attention and awareness!
    "Good Wine Need No Bush"

  7. Read this article


  8. I saw this on ST forum today. Same old problem. MAS is not doing it's job while the top 2 drawing millions a year. Excellent pay does not mean excellent performance. Deputy Chairman just got his position renewed. What does it means? We, the heartlander are insignificant digit to them, the big and mighty...


    How effective is MAS alert list?
    I READ last week that the Profitable Group was placed on the Monetary Authority of Singapore's (MAS) Investor Alert List recently.

    This was after complaints by individuals that the company had failed to deliver on promises of high returns.

    Yet, to this day, StarHub Cable Vision (SCV) continues to show advertisements of the company over its cable TV channels.

    It seems that if you missed the newspaper reports and do not look at the list habitually, you would not know that this company is on the list at all.

    Then, how effective is the alert list? Does MAS think that every individual would look through its list before buying any investment product?

    I suggest that MAS ban all companies on the list from advertising as well as taking in any new deposits.

    This will spur the legitimate companies to prove to the MAS they are proper as soon as possible.

    In addition, it will prevent more members of the public from putting their money in the wrong hands.

    Chia Kok Chin
