Saturday, June 12, 2010

Land Banking - speech at Hong Lim Park, 12 June 2010

Speech by Tan Kin Lian on land banking.


  1. I could not make it to give support as I was ill. Can anyone tell me whether the turn out is good?

  2. Most media people /press reportors were there to cover this event.Job well done.

  3. Great speech! Simple and incisive! :)

    I wish our regulatory bodies adopt this type of standard when it comes to public relationship and accountability.

    The buck stops here. Simple as that. Take action to investigate instead of passing the buck around.

  4. Fantastic. Even if this group of investors may have lost all their money, the meeting and news coverage hopefuuly will save others. It is a pity that the job has to be done by Mr. Tan rather than those in charge of government!

  5. Dear Mr Tan
    Congrats to you and the organisers on the success of the gathering. I feel right now the regulator is trying to see who to 'tai chi' to. Is it under MAS or Property Investments? See no credit due, no one want to act. Besides Profitable Plots, hope your group could exposed all other Land Banking schemes. Very sad, this may take 'years' or probably they will act only if GE is round the corner

  6. I went there as an Observer (non- investor) and can understand the plight of fellow Singaporeans caught in this pathetic situation.

    I realised that where in Modern Singapore can you find a good samaritan like Mr. Tan.?
    who wants to help & prevent future
    victims of dodgy lanbanking business.

  7. i only knew of the gathering at the speaker's corner fm yesterday's news on TV. Thank u for yr time and effort in helping to bring the matter to light to prevent further victims. Pls adv how to get in touch with the organiser to join in the petition and further action as i'm a victim too. Tks.

  8. REX comments as follows,

    I was watching the news on TV the other night. First few video clips was of the TKL gathering at Speaker corner and the accompaning commentaries. Followed immediately by video clip of some smiling MPs opening ceremenoy of some kind of events.

    It was a stark contrast between the video's. The over-paid politicians appear to be only genuinely interested in glamorous events. You see their smiling faces everywhere in such functions. They are SO HAPPY. You have problems? Go see your MP. The country have problems? Nonsense, citizens are required to do their part, lets "work together".

    I think it is really ridiculous, the regulators are not interested, the Consumers Association of Singapore is not interested, the government is not interested in these fraudalent contracts. It's just like a repeat of Minibonds case a year ago!!!. There has been no change in the poor performance of politicians to handle this kind of situations.

    It appears that TKL only is interested to try to work out something; yet TKL is neither paid to be a consumer activist; nor even a party to these fraudulent cases.

    Is there any hope for Singaporeans under the overpaid but underperforming political leadership in Singapore?

    Isn't it time that all Singaporeans should unite to give others a chance, even if they are relatively inexperienced?

