Thursday, June 10, 2010

Learning Chinese

Hi Tan,

I know this email is out of the blue, but I just posted an article on my blog entitled “100 Useful Tools to Teach Your Child Chinese” Anyway I figured I’d bring it to your attention in case you thought it interesting enough to drop a quick mention on your site about it as I’m trying to increase readership of my blog.

Samantha Miller

1 comment:

  1. To transform the Chinese Culture is the learning of mandarin in five dimensional realms; the spiritual, intellectual, emotional,physical and social. The celestial dragon; the symbol of the Chinese civilisation will come alive and be comparable to what we know about the superior western culture. The coming alive of culture is not just a linear progression but a multi-dimenional process of concerted effort and orchestration of many many talents which we in Singapore lacks but not in China. What China lacks is the "covenant chest" like leadership which has led Western world to this stage of development. The fire of the 2nd world war had brought them to this stage. It is possible that China can but they will take at least 50 years to reach.

