Monday, June 28, 2010

Survey - Ministers

On popular request, I am carrying out this survey (now closed) for you to rate how well our ministers are doing their jobs.

Here are the survey results based on 100 replies.


  1. Let me guess, all the ministers are shit? What's the point of the survey since you already know how your visitors are going to vote? Some pandering to your voter base Mr Tan??

  2. 1 is poor, 5 is excellent. If very poor how?

  3. Based on 93 replies, the ministers with the top scores are:

    Khaw Boon Wan 52%
    George Yeo 44%
    Teo Chee Hean 40%
    Tharman S 39%

    It seemed that ministers who blog gets higher scores. Perhaps, they make the effort to communicate with the internet visitors (who contribute to this survey).

  4. There seems to be positive correlation between competence and the degree of openesss (coomunication through blogs and such). Objectively, these four are the ministers that piss Singaporeans off the least.

  5. Mr Tan, you should have a 0 for no performance. There is a minister whom I have totally no idea what he is doing besides collecting his fat pay cheque month after month.

  6. Mr Khaw Boon Wan scores higher because he displays empathy.

    His tone of voice, his choice of words and his body language allows the perception that he is a reasonable person, understands the average person and his words indicate a level of humanity and humbleness.

    These qualities may not be obvious with the other ministers who seem to focus only on being task orientated ( atypical of Singaporeans )

    Admittedly, presenting such an image is all and good. The unltimate proof of the pudding is in the doing, and ultimately the results.

    The Party may well respond that they are not here for a popularity contest. Perhaps so. They have yet to be convincing though.

    An enlightening survey Mr Tan!

  7. The Best Ministers that I can think of must be the MM, SM, PM, Wong K Seng, Mah B Tan and L S Say.

    The rest are just following instructions.

    Without the above six ministers, nothing works.

  8. lets include rating for another fat cow President who just know how to collect salary and yes-man to pap. And see how poor or no performance rate by the people.

    We now really have a lot of dead wood ministers who has drag down the country in the last few years. Their expert knowlede you can only praised them for A* is $ self-enrichment.

  9. Birds of a feather flock together.

    They all had to pass through a geriatric QC inspection process to ensure a standard product that will perpetuate a vision beyond a single generation.

  10. What does Minister do?

    Actually they don't do. They listen, think and talk. Something like NATO i.e. Scholars propose, Scholars do. Minister only translate the proposals, approve proposals, explain to the voters and takes credit.

    So why do take earn such high income?
    Ans: Don't know. PM say pay them, we LL pay them.

    One good example is our highest office bearer. Whole nation voted, least power in this political system, easiest job i.e. holding the tresury key and sign documents recommended by cabinet, least travelling to oversea. Even if you travel, I have no clue the purpose.

    Highest paid at $3.5 millions a year and doing close to nothing.

    Maybe life is like that. In a factory, CEO earn the most while the operator works the hardest but earn the least. Whereas in our political system, the President earn the most but work the least....

  11. I can't believe the result of your poll that showed these are our BEST ministers.

    Khaw Boon Wan 52%
    George Yeo 44%
    Teo Chee Hean 40%
    Tharman S 39%

    I don't think they are doing a good job at all. Khaw barely passed. I have no idea what Georgie, Teo and Tharman are doing and impacting Singapore.

    At least I see Lim Swee Say sing song a bit, Goh doing his PR, and LKY doing his bit in addressing public concerns. The rest all fail.

  12. The President of SIN is a vintage flower vase, as such it won't be cheap. But it is kind of pristine, so not worthy of the price.

  13. First we have the Town Council Report, now we have the minister Report.

    funny. This should be conducted yearly and over a larger sample size.

    Nonetheless, a good exercise to gauge public perception of the ministers

  14. Well, since they are all very well renumerated, they should be able to spend their way enough to help our economy out of any recession.

    Combine their total salaries and include those like Jim Rogers,who lives in Singapore and the likes of their old network friends.. HPL boss, the Kweks, the Wees, the shaws, the lees.. if each starts buying 2 properties, 1000 pkts of chicken rice, 200 Gucci handbags, 5000 Mont blanc pens, 4 Mercedes.. travel in First Class with SQ,
    imagine the cash flow generated!

    We will never ever be hungry and jobless.

  15. Of the whole cabinet, we only see and feel that Khaw presents us the most down to earth and human face,
    and his ability to tackle the SARs
    epidemic registers in our mind, even if he does not show off much during Partliament meetings.
    George Yeo has the same character as Khaw, doing his work quietly but effectively, and his work in promoting Buddhism, even when he is a staunch catholic and goes to church regularly with his family,
    also scores points with us.
    The rest of the Cabinet is just a show off, or like what the internet community says, clowns and monkeys on the stage.

  16. TKL,

    Will you be sending this poll result to the PM himself?

  17. I guess we can tell from the survey that 12.5% of the people responded to the survey were MBT's relatives.

  18. haha, out of 10 taxi drivers I spoke to, all 10 condemn MBT. But when voting comes, they all will vote for MBT because they are afraid their taxi licence will not be renewed if they vote the opposition. I spoke to an old lady yesterday at the park. She was all rhethoric against the PAP but when it comes to voting, she is afraid that the serial number will trace her and her family will be targetted. Such is the sad fact of life in Singapore so it is back to more good years for the ruling party.

  19. Understand that many of the ministers are mainly believers of religious faiths. But it seems that most are lacking in conscience, such that they are incapable of empathy and sympathy.

    They are also very defensive and aloof, wonder if they have sincere friends and are they close to their kiths and kins. Almost all are very mechanical and robot liked. Are they people with emotions and feelings ? Sometimes, I pitied them when I saw the common people avoid them. It is kind of liked they feel shameful meeting our leaders.

  20. Khaw Boon Wan 52%
    George Yeo 44%
    Teo Chee Hean 40%
    Tharman S 39%

    all of them score much higher than the PM? maybe we should change the PM.
