Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Take photos of damages

Here is my advice to a motorist who is involved in an accident. In all cases take photographs of the damages to both vehicles, using your mobile phone. Send the photos and the particulars of both drivers to your insurance company. Take this action, even if both parties agree not to make any claim, especially if the damage is quite minor. The photos will protect you against any inflated claims that may be lodged against you in the future.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Some of the claims are inflated because they used a lawyer that charges an insane amount just to write a letter. 30 minutes of the lawyers time to write that letter can cost more than the actual repair cost.

  2. Yes, my compensation due to injury from a traffic accident is less than the fees to the lawyer.
    It is better to sit in the office of a lawyer than to be a victim.

  3. Damage to my car $230 but claim from the lawyer of the other car, above $3000. Lost my no claim bonus and got kick out from the last ins company despite I told them not to settle.
    They settled bacause I think too much work so want to close the case quickly.

  4. In the USA, you often see advertisements of lawyers hawking their services for this kind of thing on TV. They say that the first thing to do when something like this happens is to call them. So that is one part where the USA and SG are different.

  5. Distressing to find lawyers are an integral part in the game of insurance inflated claims.
    Lawyers are in the same category of a commission based broker, both could not be trusted.
