Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Video - Wisdom on how to live life

Dr. Tommy Wong introduces his book, "wisdom on how to live life" in this video (now replaced by a new video).


  1. One of the primary assumptions of the books seems to be that people are more than just bodies; they also have souls.

    What is the proof of this, apart from the fact that this is a popular belief from various religions?

    As far as we know, from latest science research, souls do not exist except as metaphors.

  2. Just my personal layman idea of being.

    Me an atheist, however me do feel that every living thing has a soul or spirit. The spirit as me understands it is in the form of our intellect and it is working when the body is functioning normally. It changes when the body conditions change. When the body dies, the spirit goes along with it and it is not capable of existence without the living body.

    This comment is posted as a personal understanding and it is in not meant to be be of any scientific understanding or of any enlightenment. Hope it will not generate any controversy.


  3. The background music for the video overwhelms Dr Wong's voice which is tinged with a heavy HK accent.
    I only got 20% of what was spoken.

  4. I suppose what one calls spirit could just be the feeling of aliveness we feel. It could also be understood as consciousness, or simply, the mind.

    I agree that upon death, the mind does not survive the body.

    To think that there is something which is part of us which survives death may be comforting, but without substantiation, is mere wishful thinking.

  5. It such a wonderfull co-incidence, me was thinking of posting the spiritual dimension of living things as the mind. As me thinks that it is the mind that provides the intellect(concepts), emotion(feelings) and senses(interpretations/understandings/humanities and spirituality).


  6. Reply to 10:08 am

    thanks for feedback. i agree with your view. i will make a new video.
