Wednesday, June 09, 2010

World Peace Index - ranking of countries

Hi Mr. Tan,

The latest Global Peace Index by The Institute for Economics and Peace:

Some rankings:
1) New Zealand
2) Iceland
3) Japan
18) Switzerland
19) Australia
22) Malaysia
30) Singapore
31) United Kingdom
85) United States of America

1 comment:

  1. Some of these rankings is really meaningless. Should be taken with a big pitch of salt.

    It depends on the parameters picked to set the benchmark.

    No doubt about NZ being No. 1 but what about relative positions for Malaysia, US , South Korea and Indonesia?

    Malaysia is ranked higher than Singapore & Indonsia. S Korea is ranked above Indonesia. And all above ranked better than USA.

    Same with the recent ranking of Singapore by PERC as No 1 or best bureaucracy.

    A bureaucracy creats "WASTE" as the word suggests "Bureau Crazy"...

    "a system for controlling or managing a country, company or organization that is operated by a large number of officials who are employed to follow rules carefully"...often associated with "red-tape" ... imagine the unnecessary resources (incl high Govt salary) put into it and the "WASTE" created ... while our Govt cries "loss in productivity".

    No wonder HK is ranked lower than Singapore...but I am sure HK is more organic and attractive as a financial centre - more efficient and effective. Interesting PERC is HK based.

    Read my blog :-
