Monday, July 05, 2010

Beyond public transport

Read this article.


  1. A good read !
    Lucky Tan is very generous with Ms Saw. Have to agree as she is just doing her "job".
    Must ask who is her boss. Temasek, not the insignificant shareholders like you or me...

    So the ball is back at the 2nd Home AffairsMinister's court. Sort of, as collectively, they are the Government of the day and Temasek's boss is the Minister for Finance.

    So whether it is a "Crush Load' issue or "National Security" concern, the buck stop with the Government. Full-stop. More correctly, with the PM. No ?

  2. Following Lye Khuen Way's comment, expect the Finance Minister to throw up his standard reply. Such replies were used several times before when Temasek Holdings got into trouble. It goes to the tune of ...

    1. "We (the gahmen) have a policy not to interfere with the running of public companies."

    2. "We do not interfere with how Temasek Holdings manages the companies under its portfolio."

    But as majority shareholders, ie Temasek Holding holding >50% shares of SMRT, they are the ONLY ones who have the power to get the CEO to make drastic changes to improve our transport system or else fire her.

    To give that age-old excuse for not to take action because they have to abide by some protocol (that they have the power to change) will show us how much the MIW really ignores the needs of their electorate as they go about their blind pursuit of $$$.
