Thursday, July 15, 2010

Comments in this Blog

Two vile persons continue to post personal attacks against me in this blog. They made more than 10 attacks on some days. Their purpose is only to attack, rather than to post their opinion. I have posted some of their vile comments that are relatively tame, but have blocked those that are outright vicious and vulgar.

I believe that they have been paid to harrass me, and stop me from posting my views on financial products that rip off the public. I have decided, for the time being, to allow posting of comments only from Google accounts. This will allow me to trace the identity of these vile persons, if they continue their activity.

If you wish to post a comment and do not have a Google account, you can send an e-mail to

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Rex comments as follows,

    There's a typo error in your message that changes the whole meaning you are conveying.

    :restrict posting of comments to users with google account:

    :restrict posting of comments from users with Google Accounts:

    The incorrect word is "from".


  2. I suggest you trap them and file a police report.

  3. Dear C H Yak
    I agree with your views that their activities amount to criminal harrassment.

    I will find a way to identify them and file a charge against them. If they are being paid by somebody else, I will also bring a charge against the paymaster.

  4. Dear Rex
    Thanks for pointing out. I have corrected the blog to remove the ambiguity.
