Saturday, July 17, 2010

Customer Service

The Star
Courteous service workers are a dying breed, and the cause lies in Singaporean characteristics,
be it the worker, the boss or overdemanding customer. As its new generation becomes more cosmopolitan, self-centred and seemingly always in a hurry, Singapore is finding it harder to develop a good service culture on its own.


  1. These days there are more and more china customer service staff in Singapore. I was shocked when they asked me to speak to them in chinese first for them to answer my request! It seems that I become the customer service officer instead!

  2. There are three reasons for the poor service attitude of our Singaporean service workers in non-public/MNC organizations:
    1. We now have a generation of kids brought up by maids. They are taught by parents to be served not serve.
    2. Doting parents - always fighting for their children's rights - even complaining about teachers on behalf of children.
    3. Peer pressure while going through teenage phase.
    The good news is they are trainable as evidenced by those working for larger companies.

  3. Customer service starts at the top.

    It doesn't matter how Singaporeans are brought up or other reasons from upbringing or culture influence.

    If the boss does not value customer service, why should the employee value customer service?

    Employers always have the option to improve their customer service.
