Thursday, July 08, 2010

A different view

I have given my views  on insurance and investments in a series of FAQs. You can assess them by clicking the FAQ label on the right frame of this blog.

The FAQs reflect my view. If you disagree with my view and wish to present an alternative view, you can send an e-mail to me. You have to state your name, contact e-mail and your view. I will put your your view, if it is balanced, fair and does not contain insult or personal attack.

If you wish to point out any mistakes in my FAQ or to suggest points to be clarified or to contribute additional points, you can also send an e-mail to me.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. kin lian, i think your view on term life ins is very very sound. agents may not agree but consumers will agree.

  2. I too failed to understand why Singtel need to charge a miserable 10 CENTS to tell the time using their automated system. T am truly amazed that a billion dollars org paying millions to its ceo are interested in pennies! This service and some others should not be chargeable especially by large organisation
