Monday, July 19, 2010

Educate the public

Dear Mr Tan Kin Lian,

I would like to write a letter of appreciation to express my respect and admiration for your efforts in imparting financial literacy to Singaporeans and defending the victims who were bullied by the financial sharks.

I have been following your blog from time to time since the Lehman Brothers Minibonds collapse put you in the public eye. Although I am not a victim, this financial fiasco fascinates me as managing my own money has been a hobby of mine for the past 7 years.

I respect you for standing up and using your financial expertise to speak up for the victims. It is not merely an extension of help to needy people as you have to take on the risk of antagonizing powerful people with links to the mighty banks. I also thought it was extraordinary of you to educate the public and expose the tricks of the insurance industry given that you are likely to make enemies and lose old friends in an industry which you have worked all your life.

As an investor in Singapore stocks, one can easily observe that someone of your background should be sitting on the directorships of several public-listed companies. By taking on the path that you took, I am not surprised that these high-paying cushy part-time jobs are closed to you. Hence, I think you have made tremendous sacrifices in sticking out your neck for your principles. 

In general, people would speak out for themselves if they were wronged, but very few would speak out for strangers when one has much to lose and little to gain. My calculative mind tells me it is not wise to do what you have done. However, I cannot help but admire and respect your actions. You certainly put the self-serving yes-men to shame. To be honest, you put me to shame as well because being a selfish person, I would not have done the same thing as you did.

Yours truly

I also have to bear the brunt of continuous personal attacks, posted anonymously by two persons.


  1. Mr Tan, your contribution to the general public will not go un-noticed ! Both for Good and for Bad !
    However, I believe you have sufficient savings & goodwill to go through it all.
    I can only give my 2 cents worth of support to those who can make a difference. Am not about to jump ship: cannot afford and am not a coward.

  2. 历尽沧桑真铁汉,不招人忌是庸才!
