Thursday, July 22, 2010

Flood in Singapore [4]

Here are some views:

Singapore Notes
Lucky Tan


  1. REX comments as follows,

    So the latest position is "Give up. Act of God".

    In the name of God, mankind has been know to create the most destructive and malicious activities throughout history.

    What's an "act of God"? Or should i ask, what "isn't" an act of God? You have a headache, it's an act of God. It's a sunny day, it's an act of God. Your dog died, it's an act of God.

    Didn't mankind progress over the years because we refuse to submit in resignation to "acts of God" and instead, devised engineering solutions to deal with statistically common phenoma? Didn't mankind invent umbrella to take cover from rain; Panadol to get relieve from colds? Didnt mankind invent earthquake proof (up to certain point) buildings in Tokyo, for example?

    There are acts of God, and Acts of God. (capital A not small :a:). How can the three recent cases of rainfall be considered extraordinary, unexpected Acts of God (capital "A") when anyone who lives in singapore in the last five or 10 years, have certainly experienced sumatra squalls in the early hours and even 4 or 6 hours or rain - without major flooding.

    Singaporeans are very very thirsty for the knowledge of what exactly went wrong.

    Is it the excessive build up of orchard road buildings, is it bad canal planning, is it the barrage, whatever. It might be none of these, but THERE HAS STILL TO BE A SCIENTIFIC REASON and it is hard to accept the situation in resignation and hopelessness and submit to God so fast.

    We have memories and we are not dumb, we have seen through tougher times. It is hard to accept all of the government's position presented to citizens to-date.


    PS> There are interesting posts to read under the thread "Marina Barrage" 19th July 2010, scroll down.

  2. I wonder MM Lee has gone soft on the recent problems of flood by classifying - it's an 'act of God'. I remembered his fighting spirit of telling the world that Singapore wanted to survive for a thousand of years despite all odds were stacked against us. When Singapore was being 'kicked out' from Malaysia on 9th August, 1965, MM Lee broke down during the hastily press conference and he was fiercely determined to prove the critics (some world famous fortune-tellers predicted Singapore could only survive for five years or less) wrong. Today and together, we have survived and succeeded. So the correct statement should be: "Whatever happens; When we act, God will manifest." Instead, all office bearers/the Ministers must be told to 'wake up' or 'pack up'. Don't shortchange Singapore and Singaporean. Respectfully, MM Lee, you are wrong this time. I am disappointed.

  3. When it is "Act of God", may be the losses could not be claimed.

    If not, the Govt should be answerable???

    If the saying "Act of God" is Act of a "God" ... it solves alot of problems ... LOL.

  4. Yes, the MAN has gone soft. I do not believe he could be so misled/ mis-informed/ unless.......
    We are doomed to wade-on. Unless, he is putting up a brave front but getting his Acts together with PUB/MND/NPB/SCDF behind closed doors. Read that "desliting of Bukit Timah Canal" has just been awarded. How sad that we still have to depend on one man, after all these years.

  5. Hongkong has typhoon even worst than Singapore, did hongkong ever has flood in the last 10 years?
    Perhaps we should compare like what we always see in the paper how our country as compare with others.
