Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flood prone Singapore

I made regular trips to Jakarta over the past three years. Whenever it rained, there would be floods in several parts of Jakarta, causing traffic congestion and extensive property damage. I was happy at that time that Singapore had been free of floods for many years.

The situation has now changed. We had three serious, embarrassing floods over the past few months. Whatever might be the cause, e.g. Marina Barrage or overbuilding, we now have to live with the prospect of a flood-prone or, to coin a new word, a "floody" Singapore.

It would make our life somewhat more complicated. Owners of some buildings in flood-prone areas will find that their home or car insurance policies will come with higher premium rates or "flood exclusion", i.e. damage caused by flood will not be covered. Insurance premiums will increase further for everyone, even those who live "high and dry".

On the bright side, I am confident that the people in charge can solve the problem. We do have quite bright people who can find with good solutions which are planned and executed properly. We only need the problem to be recognized and give authority to the people in charge (i.e. no pushing the buck around from one agency to another).

Tan Kin Lian


  1. I am pessimistically hopeful, if there is such a phrase !
    Why ? The present mindset of the people in power, including to a large extent those in the "civil" service, are that they are second-to-none.
    Until, all causes, and I believe there are more than one, are identified, recognised and most important of all, a Green Light is given to leave no stones unturned, will the old pragmatic work ethos overcome this strange "down-the-drain" phenomena.
    I would much prefer the PM to appoint a Task Force, even a Board of Inquiry, as there is no one "authority" directly and solely responsible, in my view.

  2. On the bright side, I am confident that the people in charge can solve the problem. We do have quite bright people who can find with good solutions which are planned and executed properly. We only need the problem to be recognized and give authority to the people in charge (i.e. no pushing the buck around from one agency to another).

    Mr Tan u must be disappointed! The MM just decreed that "no amount of engineering will prevent flooding". They have already admitted defeat hahaha. We have truly returned to the 3rd world under the PAP.

  3. Hi Recruit Ong

    I do not believe some of the things that Mr. Lee Kuan Yew says. I hope that he is wrong and that the experts can come with a solution.

  4. Mr Tan, we know the old man is full of hyperbole, but to believe him or not is less important than the clear message that is being sent out by the top dog in the pack - that this is the best the team can do, end of story, case closed hahaha. Spore is finished when u have this kind of complacent people who no longer has the fire in them to solve problems and instead their first response is to cover their own ass.

  5. Well, the Man has spoken. I concur with Recriut Ong that it is "case closed, let us move on-or wade on" ! Sad that no one in "Authority" dares to lay out ALL the possibilities for the MM, who I am afraid still calls the shots. Remember how he made the HDB/MND wake up ? It was a question by Prof Tommmy Koh. Now that is someone I admire.

  6. The flood prone areas are depression in the ground -known as 'basins' in physical geography. Read more at:

  7. Rex comments on Gary's post 12.28am

    Gary - you are wrong. According to PUB, Orchard Road is 4 to 6 meteres ABOVE SEA LEVEL. Isn't it ridiculous we can't drain out the water by gravity (we used to be able to that until now).

    Dr. Mahatir would laugh till he drop dead after reading our MM's latest declaration that we can't control one to two hours of rain even with engineering. I think Johor could well be a lower lying zone than Orchard Road. Where shall singapoeans bury their head, it is so embarrassing.

