Thursday, July 22, 2010

Floods in China

If we think that the flood in Orchard Road is bad, look at the floods in China.


  1. I don't think the flood in China had happened just after 3 hours of heavy rainfall.
    I believe most Singaporeans will accept that flooding is unavoidable if it had been pouring continously for 24 hrs or more, but not 3 hrs.
    So far the reasons given by the minister are straight out from the textbooks. To me, either they really do not know the real cause of it, or they are not ready to reveal them.

  2. Our canals are covered(undergound). The Authorities had blamed it on "once in 50 years occurrence" , "clogged culvert" , "intense downpour" , "acts of GOD" , "no amount of engineering will prevent floods" etc.

    I think it is due to the insufficient drainage/openings to channel the rainwater into the underground covered Canals.

    In engineering , the Continuity principle state that INPUT=OUTPUT. For the floods to occur , it simply means INPUT>OUTPUT resulting in the rainwater to overflow onto the roads and shopping malls.The Canal Monitoring system did not sense a high water level in the Canal , therefore it must be due to the collection of rainwater from the road drainage system that causes the flood . Sounds Logical ! HA! HA! HA!.

    If I am right , it is just common sense !

