Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Global Navigation Satellite System

Hi Mr.Tan,

The Global Navigation Satellite System is talk of the town. If implemented, can be effective but will ultimately put more pressure on public transpo,t should drivers give up driving or leave their cars at home.




  1. if charge by distance, just up petrol tax. why bother with all these spending on technologies. got too much money no where to spend is it?

  2. If ATM machines can encounter glitches, what about GNSS ?
    If system failures, may cause massive massive jams!

  3. This has got to be the stupidest of all mother ideas ever cooked up!!!!

    What's the difference between spending millions and millions on a stupid system when doubling the cost of petrol has the same effect? Overpaid idiots I say....

    Reminds me of a story from school: during the space race, NASA needed to invent a pen that could be used during zero gravity conditions. After spending millions and millions, the scientists came up with a super device that could suction the ink properly and let the astronauts write in space.

    Then along came a champion and proposed they use a pencil in space....

  4. Would rather they spend money on useful technologies so that more ppls can be employed here than tax that fatten the GDP. Then again why not spend more money to improve our road infrastucture efficiency.

  5. The First Comment here says it all. Those people at LTA and Transport Ministry and even all the Parliamentarians never seem to use their talents. What is the use of having intelligence ?

  6. I think mainly because it can charge by distance and by time or differentiated by different time of the day etc.

  7. They want the system to track the movement of the people like Mr Tan where he visits on which day and time, how often he visit that place and why.

    The system may come with recording and photograhy abilities. Hence, they will be able to record your conversation, etcs.

    You laugh and think it only happen in the movies? Think again.

  8. I also agree with the first comment.

    I think the common people should get the million dollar salary bec we got more common sense. Hahaha!

    The people at LTA and Transport Ministry is spending too much time thinking all sort of ideas to make us pay with a million dollar system when a simple up the petrol tax would do.

    If got too much money, please spend on improving public transport and infrastruture bec that's what I will be using.

  9. GNSS OR GPS can be effective and lucrative in terms of TAXES. It is an expensive project and can be recovered via increased taxes etc.

    On the negative side, it can be rendered useless, if GNSS satellites get knocked off or disintegrate on collusion in space or even destroyed by STAR WARS Technology.

    Help the poor and elderly!
    Don't live in a Money Trap World>

  10. The LTA should published the life cycle costing and if very costly and involves tax-payers money, the GOVT can have a "referendum".
