Thursday, July 15, 2010


See this cartoon.

My view.
Singaporeans study so hard that they lose the joy of their childhood. Yet, they are ignorant. Is this the fault of our education system?


  1. maybe is our culture to study for the sake of studying. and not aware of the surrondings. and study blindly

  2. Why should LKY look down on Signaporeans? He should look down on himself, as S'eans are the product of his education system.

  3. Maybe due to only studying hard within a "closed" system...even if one excels, it is still too much theory.

    The bigger environment is also "closed". Even the PAP prefers to be "closed" within their own clique and not accept real CHANGE ... hence the people (by-products)are ignorant.

    What the people know are only our rules and our ways ... BTW the Govt will not accept other ways too, so why bother? ... slowly and naturally will become "bird-brained" generally, especially typical of those in public service.

    Best examaple is none other than the PM who preached about a one party system and that an adversarial two-party system will not work for nations big or small...ThIS OUR (PAP) WAY.

    Read Link :-

  4. If Singaporeans aren't ignorant, PAP would not have remain in power for the last 46 years!

  5. Singaporean bashing again. Maybe it is the manifestation of day to day frustrations.

    Singapore has just achieved the title of "fully developed nation". Like many Singaporean feel, Singapore Government is not very confident in retaining it. So, they just have to be careful in whatever they do.

    The school education in Asia is fine, of course there are rooms for improvement. I just do not understand why parents keep pushing for easier education. Young minds can not be developed to their full potential if the school work just consist of simple stuff? How are they going to fully grasp fundamental sciences and creative mathematics behind it.

    I believe the real problem is parent want to secure their children futures by over preparing them. To make the matter worsse, there are not many choices for students to choose from in existing education system to prepare them for those professions they like. So, everyone fight for a few spaces in Singapore Universities. My question is do you need to have a degree in science if all you want to do is selling insurance or financial products?

  6. And then more assessment from next year ... Hahaha.

    Read this link.

    13, July 2010 :: Holistic assessment to be expanded to more primary schools from next year

  7. I'm lucky to belong to the older generation where our parents & the system does not push us so hard. However, nowadays parents have the choice of migration to provide a more normal childhood for their children

  8. Hahaha, Anon 8.52 am

    'Why should LKY look down on Singaporeans.......Singaporeans are the product of 'HIS' education system'

    Well, the man himself pronounced officially that many of the Government systems have, in fact, been initiated by the late Dr Goh Keng Swee. Perhaps all the blame should now be attached to Dr Goh, and died with him.

    And that, perhaps, is the reason why Singaporeans are now considered blatantly ignorant, being the product of an education system devised by a man now dead and buried.

    A masterstroke.

  9. This is the root of all our psyche.

    We enbrace tuition, because the CDC,PA,Mendaki and SINDA also encourages it with huge banners.

    We embrace kiasuism because our civil servants practice it religiously with endless risk management reviews so as to assign blame to others.

    We embrace only numbers and empiracl facts, as evidence by measurement of success with high GDP numbers.

    We have no soul.

    Therefore we are ignoramuses and remain as slaves to an economic dream.. a dream for the ignorant but a reality for businessmen and politicians. They are the only ones who are excused from being labled ignorant. They are therefore not singaporeans, for being singaporean means being ingnorant.

  10. Many successful people are not good students. They simply follow their hearts to work in jobs that they are passionate about and talented in. It is good for the economy cause they will be more productive.

    Education is good, provided that you are studying the subjects you like and challenging the knowledge presented to you. Education can control someone's mind easily. It is easy if you do not question it and it starts from young. You simply memorize it to prepare for exam.

    Our society must first learn to embrace differences (i do not mean homosexuality). Everybody is good at different things. I guess that is why america is so successful cause the population is made up of migrants from differnt part of the world and they practise free speech. Free speech will encourage more debates and questions and it may end up with more informed and learned citizens. The worse thing for a society is for average citizen to sit in front of the TV and be entertained by it and the next day returning to work. (walking corpse). They are more interested in the entertainment news than the actual politics that is affecting them.
