Saturday, July 10, 2010

Internet browser

I used Google Chrome previously as my internet browser to access G Mail and other Google applications. It gave problem in downloading a PDF attachment. I tried ways to get around this problem, but it failed. I waited for Google to fix this problem. It was reported in Google website, but there was no fix.

After some time, I decided to switch to Internet Explorer, even for the Google applications. It worked fine. So, I have stayed with Internet Explorer since. If Google fixed the problem with the Chrome, I may try it again.  My colleague tried Firefox and it worked well.

Can you share your experience on using the various internet browsers?

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Had not notice this issue until you blogged it. Can you download the PDF at all?

    I have been using chrome, PDF downloads into my folder. I don't remember able to preview PDF from Chrome.

    Generally I use Chrome and fall back to Firefox if things don't work(online forms, banking etc). IE is a no-no for me.

  2. I've never used Chrome.

    I've used IE ever since I started using the internet.

    Then I was told to use Mozilla about 1 year ago because of a problem with IE with one particular website.

    Mozilla has never ceased to delight me since. The speed and stability is incredible.

  3. Are you referring to the view preview of pdf files inside gmail?

    Make sure you are not login on multiple accounts and you should be fine.

  4. I have switched to Chrome for almost all my surfing needs for the past few months.

    I still require Internet Explorer for certain websites, especially government and related sites - e.g. National Library

    I used to use Firefox exclusively but Chrome has improved significantly. I sometimes have a habit of segregating work from play - using Firefox for work matters and Chrome for leisure - so as to keep myself disciplined.

  5. I have been using Opera on my PC since 2004. Good for 99.5% of websites. The rest I use Internet explorer.

  6. IE normally will hang if you have add on with other toolbars like googles and yahoo etc. I get a notice that the crash is due to add on but IE is unable to fix. often get blue screen as well but switching to forefox, no problem detected.

  7. I have no problem downloading PDF files using Chrome.
    Could it be the setting?

  8. just let google auto open the pdf in google docs.

    tat would solve ur prob.

    and u can save the pdf in google docs for easy reference in the future.

  9. Firefox with AdBlock Plus add-on. Filters out 99% of the slow-loading and useless advertisement and leaves only the content.

    Some would even recommend Firefox with NoScript add-on, but I find this combination impinge on site usability sometimes.

    I strongly recommend web designers not to make their web sites Internet Explorer only - Firefox has between 20% and 30% of the market share.

  10. I find Firefox better in many ways in comparison to IE. Though some sites still not compatible with Firefox.

  11. Recommend using at least 2 types of browser, the back up would be IE..
    main browser is your personal choice but IE will work 99% for all "official " sites.

    Same principle as having at least 2 email a/c.

  12. I practically stopped using IE when Firefox came out, using IE only for certain websites that require it. Have been using firefox since then as I find it very versatile with many features and add-ons. When Chrome came out I find it is quite good also, faster speed but buggy, still not as good as firefox in many ways.

    So now I probably use firefox 70% of the time, chrome 29% and IE 1%

  13. chrome is the top choice for me right now. even for online banking also no issue now. pdf downloading or viewing also no problem for me. it don't hang on me like what IE used to do to me last time. :)

  14. I would avoid Internet Explorer as much as possible as I felt that it was a very badly written piece of software.

    Firefox is my primary browser of choice as it is highly customisable with its wide array of plugins.

    However, one can get carried away with too many tabs and plugins resulting in the hogging of internal memory and CPU dragging the entire system down to a crawl.

    Chrome is a good choice but I felt the product is not mature enough to serve my everyday needs. Well, not yet anyway.

    Opera is a very speedy browser too but I have a hard time getting used to its interface.

    If you are more adventurous, you can also try Sea Monkey which is my No.2 browser.

  15. Mr Tan, exactly what problem are you facing with PDF's? Can you elaborate?

    I've just switched to Chrome full-time last month. When it was first released there were indeed some teething issues, but now it has become even better than Firefox in terms of standard-compliance and speed.

    To achieve this kind of performance, it can be quite a memory hog, though not quite a problem for today's machines.
