Sunday, July 18, 2010

Minimum wage

Hong Kong has passed its minimum wage law. Read here.

My view.
It is necessary to have a minimum wage to ensure that the residents earn enough to pay for the cost of living. Singapore is one of the few developed countries that still have sub-subsistence wages. Read items 1 and 2 in this paper.


  1. I think Singapore should also have it's own Minimum Wage Law. It can ensure that workers are able to sustain a decent standard of living. Of course, the minimum wage applies to ALL workers, be it local or foreign. Then the levy for foreign workers can be waived, but I would like it to stay, so that it is cheaper to hire local. If the government really have confidence in it's own workforce, doesn't this ensure "cheaper, better, faster" as well?

  2. Singapore should pass this law as well. KFC part timers were paid $3.50 an hour 15 years ago when I was in secondary school, and today, 15 years later, they are still paid the same.
