Monday, July 12, 2010

New Transport Fares - view by Rex

Is the new transport fare structure really good news to Singaporeans?

Actually those who take feeder services will save quite a bit of money, and also those who do other transfers frequently. Given the large number of flat units in huge towns where feeder services are daily part of travel pattern, it does seem logical that many many commuters will save money with the new structure.

Now why didn't Mrs Lim Hwee Hua et al, bring up this point? Instead, last night (11th July) she repeated the government standard answer: try it over a week before judging. This is plain stupid answer, because if your daily routine costs for the greater part of a week, is higher, for sure over the week the costs will be higher. It is an absolutely stupid, daft logic. Albert Einstein said that if you repeat an experiment with the same setup, you are insane to expect a different result. She is insane!

I think the correct reply to the issue should never have been crafted that way. It insults our intelligence. The correct government reply should be as follows:

The studies show that transfers via feeder services and other transfers form the bulk of commuters travel pattern. Hence we are very confident that majority commuters will benefit. We cannot please everybody under any system and we have always considered that the priority of the fare system should be focussed on benefiting the majority, and that for us is the fairest way to manage the public transport system.

I think the above kind of recommended reply is more honest. You can disagree with the concept (of majority benefit) but at least it is an honest reply to what is happening.

A government must remain honest and not tell lies or give false logic to explain issues.This is a very crucial factor to secure voters' support.



  1. they can put 1/3 passing of FT who took the English/Service test.. with a very nice "header"

    the 2/3 who failed is a big joke to service industry...

    the new distance fare is a big joke too but the government/private co wouldnt care about us.. all they know is how they will profit for the future to propel their earnings further. we can only suck up to these stupidity every time they are made and voicing out is always treated to deaf ears.

    You want logic. they give you excuses. you give them logic they cover up. i wonder how our next gen will survive in such harsh environment.. I am already facing difficulty as of current.

  2. i believe the answer from her came out from her staff, i doubt she understand the issue totally. so standard answers are common from these top people.

  3. SingaporeSurf: Vaporware

  4. Well said!
    Maybe she need a/ become a better speech writer or
    They thought the majority of commuting is on an ad-hoc basis instead of being repetitive. (eg to-and-fro to work)
    On an phobic note: New fare calculation formula is to justify subsequent overall fare increase?

  5. "A government must remain honest and not tell lies or give false logic to explain issues."

    I strongly agree with the above statement. But based on what we have seen increasingly over the last few years, this government is NOT honest, and frequently gives FALSE AND STUPID logic to insult our intelligence. World class indeed.

  6. Those who are travelling short trips by using the main trunk services, where there are no feeder services, are the worst hit.

    The Minister acknowledged that short trips travellers are not benefiting from the revamp, but her suggestion that "they should review their travel pattern on a weekly instead of on a per trip basis" and these travellers would benefit in "due course" is nonsence and stupid. The increase is as high as 30%. Why need to play with usual our Ministers & public Authorities like to beat around the bush to hide their faults.

    If I just need to ravel short trips daily, how would I benefit. Imagine like what Mr Tan suggested before for workers to work near their home, how would they save from the revamp.

  7. It is also not true that there is a saving in taking feeder services. The fare now is 71 cents as compared to previously 69 cents. What logic is there as the comparison is obvious.

  8. My theory is that the new fare structure is closely tied to her speech in Mar about "rationalising" the so-called cross-country bus routes and the conversion to the hub-and-spoke system.

    Since direct and long journeys are now more expensive under the new fare-structure, less people would “miss” those cross-country services when they are “reviewed” away eventually.

    People will then be compelled to adapt to the hub-and-spoke system which inherently necessitates more transfers.

    I wrote about my theory here:

  9. Put it simply in other words:
    "agak agak asai" to some older and under educated folks maybe?

  10. Lim Hwee Hua and all the elite scholars involved with the press releases and this distance-based fare DO NOT understand what the hell is happening at ground level or what the ordinary people have to spend and go through.

    This is because Lim and the elite civil servants have never taken public transport ever since they were 20-year old and bought their first car to drive. For this exercise, at most they masak masak took 1 or 2 bus trips just to try try.

    That's why whenever they opened their mouths recently over this fare-raising exercise, they always seem to be talking nonsense or act very flippant. You Die Your Business, remember?

  11. What we have here is a failure to communicate.

    Communication is a two way exchange of ideas and views between human beings who respect one another.

    Politics is all about communication. Convincing the citizens to follow your policies.

    I tend to throw away old things and ideas that no longer work. How about you?

  12. I have converted my ordinary fare card into a senior card, and have yet to enjoy the old concession rate for seniors, and then this new payment scheme came into operation. I only use it for short journeys most of time.
    Other Western countries would never shortchange their seniors like this. I feel like an old used tissue paper being discarded after being used. Why penalise us retirees. How to continue to exist with such a Govt, who discrimates the older citizens who contributed to Singapore's properity when we were younger.

  13. Reply to anonymous @ 12:37

    "What we have here is a failure to communicate".

    No the government did not fail to communicate because there was no communication to start with so there is no failure.

    Whenever I saw all those "spokesperson" from our government agencies like police, cpf, etcs on the news, they always appear to me that they are just reading out what they have memorised. Very robotic and you can tell that they are not natural when they speak.

    Besides they always get away because our local "reporters or journalists" appear interested only in recording what they say without questioning. Funny right? Uniquely Singapore.

  14. The statement in bold is not factually accurate. It assumes that the reduction from doing a transfer is ALWAYS greater than the increased cost of the revised fares. This is not the case as it depends on where you are going. It is possible to PAY MORE even if you are have made a transfer.

  15. Teach less so that u can learn more.
    Increase the fare so that u can save more.
    Increase gst so that we can help the poor.
    This is Uniquely spore.

  16. Reply to anonymous @ 12:49pm

    "...I feel like an old used tissue paper being discarded after being used. Why penalise us retirees...."

    Now you know what this pap government stand for? YOU DIE YOUR BUSINESS.

    Singapore under the current pap is run like an MNC. All it is interested in profit and nothing else matter. Once you are no longer useful, they treat you worth then dirt. Just look at the way they kiss the Sss of all those foreigners at the expense of locals.

  17. When she was made Minister, I was happy that a sensible female Minister has arrived. My view has changed since her latest speech.

  18. Rex comments on anon. 3.25 post,

    IT's a good joke! i like.
    No wonder the Americans even say Singapore Math is the best in the world. Here is Singapore Math Lesson 1 (as inspired by anon. 3.25 pm 's post):

    1. Teach lesser number or hours, to increase total knowledge;
    2. Increase transport fees so that commuters will save more on average;
    3. Increase GST taxes (goods and services tax) including tax on water and electricity and rice to help those with low income;
    4. Pay the top ministers 5 times of american President so that you get all of the above things done correctly and never worry about corruption forever.


  19. One more...

    More competition in public transport will result in fare increase!

  20. I shun commercial charity drive at yesterday's Punggol MRT station on 11/07/10. Charity begins at home and I will only participate in physically or mentally handicapped people.For Commercial Charity CEO???..........try harder or elsewhere.

  21. Reply to Anonymous said...(July 12, 2010 3:25 PM)

    Teach less so that u can learn more.
    (Left unsaid: Teach less in school so that more room for private tuition teachers)
    Increase the fare so that u can save more.
    (Left unsaid: Travel more, save more)
    Increase gst so that we can help the poor.
    (Left unsaid: Higher GST leads to higher amt collected, which leads to higher capacity to help the poor.)

  22. Reference rex's post on S'pore Maths.

    If 95% ordinary Singaporeans;
    - Talk less, Do more
    - Earn less, Work More

    Then the remaining 5% elite Singaporeans can focus on;
    - Talk More, Do Less
    - Earn More, Do Less

    Simple Maths!

  23. one more to add to Singapore maths:

    All pap mps no opposition mp in parliament will have more checks and accountability on the pap government.


  24. People must understand PAP decision making process. In order to ensure things work, hard decisions are needed. Do first and talk later.

    Asking people to try first and review later is a build-in delay tactics. It happens all the time. How often do they review?

    Same goes to Ministers' pay. I disagreed, PAP implemented and we tried for a while. Instead of reviewing, PAP increase it further challenging the voters to review the last increase based on current performance.

    Why? PAP hope by then, Singaporeans have already forgotten the issue and with a good GDP and recovery, people will accept and possibly agreed to another increase after election. If they receive a >60% support then they will use this to justify that public endorsed their policies even if 60% is lesser than the last election of 66.6%.

    The problem now is that number of jobless PMET are growing because jobs are redirected to foreigners given the PAP's liberal foreign policy. Good GDP helps Govt. in their personal salary but none to PMET who have to compete with low salary young foreigners.

    Bus/MRT fare increase is of no concern to the Ministers' because it is PEANUT compared to their Salary. They and their family don't take public transport so how to understand people like us who are taking public transport daily?

    FoC [Full of Crap]....

  25. Insulting ones' intelligence is a serious matter. Time has changed. So it's 'betterer' for all ministers or the office bearers to adopt a more 'consultative' style rather than the 'intuitive' way of communicating to the people. There is a French proverb in defining the true meaning of 'INTELLIGENCE' - "Nothing is distributed more justly among men than intelligence, because everyone thinks he's got a sufficient portion". I remembered that the graduates' mother policy (a priority scheme for the children of the graduates' mothers in the registration of pri-primary and primary one education) that caused a big swing of popular vote against the ruling PAP party in 1984. The popular vote polled was 62.9% (in 1984 GE) which dropped from a high of 75% (in 1980 GE). A steep decline of 12%. When the people are not happy, the unthinkable can always happen.
