Monday, July 12, 2010

RSS Feed

Regular visitors can add my blog to the RSS feed on your browser. This will allow you to keep track of new postings to my blog.

A reader wanted to have a feature to keep track of comments posted in my blog. I do not know how to enable this feature. Can someone guide me?

For readers who wish to follow the comments in my blog, you can save this link in your browser:


  1. Hi Mr Tan, your blog's comments feed enabled by default and can be found here:

  2. google feed reader allows you to keep track of all your feeds, it support multiple format of feeds and additional features.

  3. Dear Mr Tan,

    You often provide us interesting/useful/..etc url links in your blogs. I notice that when one has clicked a url link, the current viewing browser page is redirected to that particular url address. (i.e., the reader actually leaves your blog site.). To avoid this, one has to right-click the url link and manually select "open in new window", to open a new window for the url and stay at your blog site in the same time.
    Can you please do some settings so that when one tries to click a url link, a new window pops up instead of replacing your blog site page?


  4. Reply to 4:11 pm

    I explore with on how to implement your suggestion. But I could not find a way.

    If you have the new website, you can go to the back button on the browser to get back to my blog.

    Try it.

  5. REX comments as follows,

    I just tried out the link on the RSS feed and would need help on two matters.

    1. How to display more than 25 posts? According to the FEED Properties menu, there are 200 items stored by default. However the browser page can show 25, how can i increase it...

    2. How to display the feed for only Threads which i am interested to know about? (e.g. TheOnlineCitizen doesnt use the feed concept, instead, there is a subscribe-menu button where you just click under the thread you are viewing to subscribe only to comments for that thread.. all the new posts sent to your email)


  6. July 12, 2010 8:00 PM

    1. Use google reader. Browser feeder only display what site feed provide, usually the latest generated by that site. You can't control at your end.

    2. The easier way is to right click on the feed link and bookmark it. Want more features, try google reader.

  7. Rex comments as follows

    i not quite understand the two methods.
    i try the RSS Feed link, it seems to list out every single post at 20 comments a page (and i have still not been able to set it to higher number, as my query above indicated);

    i try the Google Reader, it is completely different concept, it lists out just only TKL's main post, not the comments. So if new comments come in under the same thread, i don;t think it is detected so easily in the GoogleREader since it was designed to detect new threads by the Blog owner... not new comments by viewrs...

    Basically i just want something simple like TheOnlineCitizen submit button to subscribe to new comments in a cetain thread. I don't wish to read or scroll through threads which i am not interested even if there are 100 comments there. I also don't need to re-read the original thread article of the host blogger!

    No wonder it is hard for layman to use blogs to understand singapore socio political issues and it is easier for them to read Straits times. There is too much information and the gems take a long time to dig out.

